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genre: luhan fluff
type: drabble/scenario
characters: luhan, reader, etc
do not re-post without permission, this is my work
I finally woke up from my nap xD Ara~


Sometimes it's easier to hide things when you are on the spotlight. Sometimes you don't even have to try. It just happens, people sees just what they want to see. They don't want to see sad people, they don't want to see people hurting. So you become immune, immune to being noticed.

No one would have thought, not even your co-star, that they could find you in that state. Broken, hurt, in pain, incomplete. But after all you were also human, you could also have your heart broken.


Unanswered calls.
Unread texts.
No one had heard from you.
There was no track of you.

But Luhan knew where you were, you had become so close since the filming day number one that he kinda was like your best friend. And yet he hadn't noticed, he hadn't see how little by little I was falling.
Those were your exact thoughts as you read his text, demanding to know what was going on.

Is it really necessary? All that mystery. You though, wondering if you were doing the right thing. But how could you even take one step outside. You were a complete mess, your eyes were all puffy, the dark circles under your eyes made you look more dead than alive. I can't go out like this, they can't see me like this. The truth was that even no one noticed that you were going through something, you didn't want them to know either. It was a hard thing to admit, even to your now best friend and co-star Luhan.

But he didn't thought that way, he didn't think it was necessary to hide. Of course he was worried and of course he went to look for you even if it were too late.


Hidden in the closet, tissues everywhere, you hugging your legs your sobs hidden under the city noise... that's just a small description of how Luhan found you that night.
"Y/N? ...what is going on? Why..."
"Lu-luhan? When did you...?" It wasn't clear for you why he was there and why he looked so worried. You were just crying, hiding.
"You've been... missing for days. Is this is where you've been all this time?" His voice sounded more broken than yours, the pain on his face couldn't go unnoticed.
Luhan sat next to you, his warmth surrounded you as he embraced carefully.
"What happened Y/N? What..." He wiped a tear away that was on your cheek. "Who did this to you?"
"I just... I just don't understand Lu.." You didn't want to open yourself to him but the pain was unbearable, you had to let it all out. "He-he broke my heart Lu... why is it always like that. Why do I always fall for guys that can't see me for what I really am?"
He didn't speak a word, he didn't interrupt you as you told him your story. He just sat there with you in his arms, stroking your hair gently and letting you cry whenever the tears came back. He was there, there for you. Just as you always wanted someone to be.

It wasn't hard to notice how much he actually cared, friend or not, he cared. Maybe he cared more than what you could imagine, but it wasn't the moment for that. He knew, you knew.

"Do you think one day I'll be able to find that person Lu?" You suddenly asked, after some minutes of silence. "Do you think I have already found that person?" For a moment Luhan looked shocked, as if you had read his mind in some ways. But he wasn't going to take advantage of the situation, even if he was that person you were looking for.
"I think you will Y/N, you are a good person, a good friend, a good girl. You haven't given up, even after having your heart broken so many times. I do think you will or maybe already have"
"Do you think... it might be you?"

He didn't answer that moment. His whole body wanted to scream yes but his mind told him to wait. It wasn't the moment to talk about his feelings, you were already dealing with too much.
"I think... that I could be, in time, if you let me. But even if you give me that chance, I wouldn't take it in this exact moment. Y/N, I'm not going to lie and say I don't like you, because I do, I had all this time. But my feelings can wait, I can wait for your wounds to heal. I want to help you heal those wounds first so I can prove to you how serious I can be. How much you actually mean to me."

With those words the tears came back, the uncontrollable sobs came with them. But somehow the wounds, even if you could not see it right then, started to heal. You knew from that moment that you had been hurt so many times just to be there that day, just to be found by Luhan. You knew as he hugged you with so much care that he was just the one you had been waiting for.


"It was a matter of time wasn't it Lu? I had to notice you, just like you had to notice me"
"And from now on, all we have to do is keep moving forward, but holding eachother's hands"

"It was a matter of time wasn't it Lu? I had to notice you, just like you had to notice me""And from now on, all we have to do is keep moving forward, but holding eachother's hands"

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