Chapter three.

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~ Here's the next chapter for ya, hope you all enjoy!

Percy really wanted to laugh now. And it was hard to look Zeus straight in the eyes without doing so.

Was the god of lightning trying to be intimidating or something? Or was he just trying to somehow use words to get Percy to work with him?

There was one thing the demigod knew he needed to do now though, like right now; stretch his legs.

He was sure he would get a really bad cramp soon if he sat on his legs any longer.

He confidently stood up and moved his legs a bit, cursing under his breath for the hard floor.

He was sure he heard some chuckles from his cousins and some gods, along with a couple snorts of laughter.

He gave Thalia and Nico a quick glare as he saw them nearly turning pink in the effort they used to stop themselves from laughing.

"Alright, Zeus," Percy said, as he looked over at him when he finally stood still, with his arms crossed over his chest. "Please do tell, why would I help?"

"Because we can make you a deal," Zeus replied. He seemed so confident in his plan. That just made Percy more curious.

"What deal?" asked Percy, half bored to death.

Poseidon looked at his younger brother in confusion, and Percy knew for sure his dad did not know what was going on.

Heck, half of the people present in the throne room if not more looked confused. Including some of the other gods.

Unsurprisingly though, it were the gods that stood next to Percy when he was banished. They were all confused.

"A deal you will accept," Zeus said. "And we will hold up our end of it, as long as you hold up yours."

Whispering filled the throne room as everyone talked to themselves quietly. They all asked each other if they knew about this deal.

"Zeus, what are you talking about?" Demeter asked, with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

The goddess also supported Percy and was against banishing him. The fact that she acknowledged Zeus's existence right now was a miracle, since she basically ignored him all the time.

"Yes, I'd like to know as well," Poseidon said. "What is the deal?"

Zeus looked Percy straight in the eyes, and the demigod was positive that he saw them shining with madness.

What was this deal, and why the heck did Zeus seem so bloody confident?

"We will give you back your freedom," Zeus said and silence fell upon the throne room. "We will let you out of Tartarus, permanently."

No one uttered a word. They all just stared. At Zeus. At Percy. Both of them. Between them.

Zeus had a victorious smirk on his lips as he looked down at the son of Poseidon he had wrongfully banished.

Percy just stared at him, still unfazed, but really he wanted to grin, smirk, chuckle and laugh all at once.

They had no idea how much he had changed really. Because he changed quite a lot. Maybe a bit more than that.

"Help us in this war, Perseus," Zeus declared. "And you will have your freedom back at last."

Silence still filled the room. But everyone was having thoughts run through their minds.

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