Chapter 5

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2D returned from Crawley the next day. For several days after that, most of the band's time was spent on business. When they weren't working on creating new music or dealing with general band affairs, Noodle devoted her time to wedding planning. She and 2D had decided on the 8th of December for their wedding date, which was only six months away.

She was feeling under a lot of pressure to get everything ready in time. Her kimono was specially ordered from Japan. She worked out every detail - from the music, to the venue, to the guest list - on her own for the most part. For several nights, she would stay up until early in the morning. The stress of the planning was beginning to show, and the other band members could see it.

Finally, after three weeks without a break, 2D pleaded with Murdoc, who was in control of the band's affairs, to grant them off time.

"Please, Muds," he begged. "Noodle's not feelin' good, I'm sure Russel's tired too, and I'm exhausted. I speak for all of us whe' I say tha' we need a break."

Miraculously, the power-hungry bassist gave them much deserved rest. For the first time since their engagement, Noodle and 2D had time to be together.

In early July, they went to the local park for a festival. Russel and Murdoc were with them too, but they got separated early on. Noodle, most of all, finally had time to have fun, aside from her other responsibilities.

After walking around for a while, the two of them sat on the edge of a fountain. They shared a large ice cream cone as Noodle clutched the teddy bear 2D won her in a game.

"Havin' fun, Noods?" he asked her.

"Hm?" She was focused on the ice cream cone when he asked her, so she wasn't paying much attention. "Oh, yes, I am. Thank you."

"I'm glad. I as'ed Muds for this time off because I was concerned for yew. I'm glad to see yew takin' a breath."

Just then, a small child came up to them. She looked to be no older than three and bright blonde hair. She looked up at 2D and Noodle with a big innocent smile, to which they responded. They could tell she wasn't afraid of them.

"Hallo, there. What's your name?" Noodle asked.

"Her name is Emma," the girl's mother answered. She didn't seem too concerned about Noodle and 2D.

"'Ello, Emma. My name's Stuart Pot, but everyone calls me 2D. This is my fiancee, Noodle."

"Hi there, Emma."

The mother then recognized the couple. "Oh, I know you now. You're from the Gorillaz. My husband is a huge fan of yours. Can I get a picture with you for him?"

"Sure!" 2D answered enthusiastically. Emma's mother sat down between them and took a picture on her iPhone.

"He's going to love this. By the way, congrats on your engagement."

In those weeks of business affairs, Noodle and 2D made their engagement public via their official website.

"Thank you, miss," Noodle responded.

"We have to go now. Say bye-bye, Emma." Emma waved goodbye as the couple waved back.

"Wasn' she precious?" 2D asked as Noodle passed him the ice cream cone.

"She was wonderful." They paused for a moment as 2D helped himself to ice cream. Then Noodle broke the silence: "When are we going to have our first?"

2D was a little more than surprised at her question. He fell back into the fountain in shock, still taking a lick out of the ice cream.

"2D! Are you okay?"

He crawled out of the fountain and shook some excess water from his hair. "Noodle, luv. Isn' it a little too early to be thinkin' 'bout tha'?"

She firmly shook her head no. "2D, I want children. I always have." Her statement was less of a request and more of a demand.

"Well, I didn' say it was a 'bad' idea. I was jus' sayin' tha' we're jus' not in tha' position to think tha'. I mean, wiv the current affairs and wedding plannin' and all, we're under a lot of stress righ' now. Do yew think yew can hold it off on tha' for a while? Let's focus on gettin' married for now."

"Okay," she agreed, almost reluctantly.

"Besides," he wrapped his arms around her, "whe' tha' time does come, I know yew'll be a great mum."

"Do you think so?" She was beginning to question her decision.

"I know so. Why do yew ask?"

"Well, most girls have their moms to look up to, and I only had you guys."

"Tha''s okay. There's always me mum."

"If you say so." She turned to him and they shared a kiss as Murdoc and Russel caught up to them.

"There you are. Can we PLEASE get away from this place a'ready?" Murdoc wasn't having as much fun as everyone else.

"'D, why you all wet? You're soaked!"

"Yeah, I kinda fell in the fountain." He blushed, trying to keep the real reason why he fell as his and Noodle's little secret.

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