Chapter 8

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It was a Saturday in early December. Much like every other December, snow was beginning to fall outside. Inside the London Music Hall, activity was brewing for a big event. After months of planning and other incidents, it was here: the wedding of 2D and Noodle.

The entire hall was decorated with purple and black flowers. White chairs wrapped in tulle of the same color scheme filled the empty space, surrounding a long aisle leading up to the stage. Spotlights lit the space and set the tone for the event. The many stars and collaborators who had worked with Gorillaz were beginning to take their seats in the hall.

Noodle sat in her dressing room. She bubbled up with happiness as she finished applying the make-up that complemented her purple and white kimono. Her soon-to-be mother-in-law had helped her put on her kimono, but other than that she did the rest by herself. Today, she was marrying her best friend, and she couldn't have been happier.

She heard a knock at the door.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"Noods," the voice answered. It was Murdoc. "Can I come in?"

"Sure, Muds."

She turned her chair around to greet him. When he walked in, all he could do was stare. To him, she finally looked like a true adult.

"Wow, Noods," he responded. Even he was left speechless by what he saw. "You ready?"

She only smiled and nodded. She stood up and looked at Murdoc. "How do I look, Murdoc?"

"Noodle, I've... never seen you so grown up. You look spectacular."

It was true what he said. In her fifteen years with the band, she grew up and changed in so many ways. She went from a little girl in a FedEx crate... to a bride.

She took him by the arm and they walked together to the start of the aisle. They started walking together down the aisle as the organist played. All of the guests rose for them and 2D turned to face them. He chocked up at the sight of his future wife, who had already proven her dedication to him weeks before.

Murdoc left Noodle at the front of the aisle as he sat down beside Russel, who had already started tearing up.

The officiant went through his usual speech. Instead of textbook vows, the couple decided to write their own.

Noodle started with hers. "Stuart, I have had the privilege of being with you all these years. Our relationship has changed from the friendship we had to what we have now, and I feel blessed for that. I knew that you were the one I could rely on, knowing you would be there for me. Starting today, I vow to become a dedicated wife to you and a dedicated mother to your children. I love you, Stuart."

"I feel like the luckiest man alive today. I was not only lucky enough to watch yew grow up, but lucky enough to be the one standing before yew today, marryin' yew. I spen' many times laughin' wiv yew an' wipin' away your tears. I know tha' I don' deserve all those times wiv yew, but I know tha' yew were brough' into my life for a reason. Yew came into my life to save me, and tha''s what yew've done. Yew stood by me in my sickness just to see me well, and tha' made me believe in true love. I love yew... Takara."

She looked at him in surprise. "Takara means treasure in Japanese. Have you been studying Japanese?"

"No, but yew deserve a name."

"But, of all the names, why Takara?"

"Because yew are my treasure. Yew've been my treasure all these years. I didn' know how to repay yew for your dedication to me while I was sick. No tangible treasure would have been enough, but yew always wanted a name. No matter wha', yew have been, and always will be, my most precious treasure."

2D's speech left everyone in tears, even Murdoc. He had just summed up his love for her in his speech.

"Muds, you cryin'?" Russel asked.

"No!" he quickly responded. "I... just have something in me eye."

"... sure."

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may seal your union with a kiss."

2D lifted her veil, and their marriage became official. They walked back down the aisle hand in hand while all of their guests cheered for them. After a reception in the hall's banquet room, they flew off to their honeymoon in France. They decided on a place where there was no risk of 2D finding a whale. The apartment was a little quieter with them gone.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was a bit short. There's one more to go. Thank you so much for reading up to this point! You are the best!

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