Part 2

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Jac nodded her head slightly, not really sure why she was agreeing to this, and followed him into her office. Fletch sat down on the sofa and signalled for Jac to sit next to him. "" Jac said quietly trying to avoid an awkward silence, "look Jac I like you...a lot and I still don't know why you stayed after the shooting but I am so happy you did. You are intelligent, beautiful, caring and generous and I can see past the bitch everyone else sees". He paused trying to gage her reaction " You are the best part of my day and I struggled so much without you here the past month. Whether you are ordering me around or we are having a laugh I need you"....."I want you" Fletch said as he let out a sigh of relief, finally he admitted how he felt, now he just had to wait for her response. Jac was taken back she wasn't sure he felt the same, although she had a slight suspicion after all the moments shared between them over the last months. "I stayed after the shooting because.......because of you" she said in almost a whisper, tears were building up in her eyes "I want you too" she said now lifting her head, which had been staring down at the floor, their eyes met which was when the tears fell down her face. Fletch was could tell it was difficult for her to admit her feeling like this so he said nothing and just brought his hands up to her face and brushed away the tears with the base of his thumb. She leaned into his touch, moments later she now had her head resting against his chest as his arms wrapped tightly round her. "I love you" Fletch said surprising both in the room BEEP BEEP. It was her pager in seconds Jac had rushed out of the door to go assist Abi in surgery.

"Ms Naylor, nice of you to join us" Abi said in a more friendly than usual tone, Jac just nodded to acknowledge she was listening. About 10 minutes into the surgery Abi began to bring up Fletch " so I guess you have heard" she questioned "what?" Jac said bluntly trying to concentrate. "Fletch and I broke up, I wasn't the one for him and he knew it too". "right, so who is " Jac said wondering what her response would be "well I think everyone on Darwin, possibly the whole hospital knows the answer to that" Abi said giving Jac a look saying you know its you.  "All he ever talks about is you, jac did this jac did that.. " she said mocking Fletch's voice "and I heard from Evie that's all he talks about at home too" Abi said reassuringly causing jac to blush. The rest of the surgery continued in silence, jac just thinking about everything that has happened in the last hour.

Out of surgery Jac was sat at her desk unable to concentrate so she decided to text Fletch.

I love you too.

four words but that was all it needed.

Fletch was sat in his office worrying he had messed up everything telling jac he loved her. His thoughts were interrupted by a text message alert. Pulling his phone out of his bag he saw it was from Jac, he read the message over and over to confirm he was sure of what it said. He got up out of his chair and ran to Jacs office and burst through the door causing jac to look up, slightly shocked as it had only been a minute since the text was sent.

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