Chapter Four

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Hello extraordinary people I hope you had a good day or night! If school/work is hard you will get through it. Keep fighting you'll get there!


Jungkook's P.O.V

I look at the TV, concentrating and hitting the buttons like crazy. Taehyung and I are playing Mario kart. The score is 2-3. I start biting my lip as Taehyung is ahead of me and it's the final lap.

Right when I was about to cross the finish line Taehyung hit me with a shell and zoomed right across the finish line.

"Yes!!" I hear Taehyung shout putting his hands up in victory.

"Aish, I'm hungry Tae-hyung." I say hearing my stomach growl.

"Yeah me to let's go wake up Jin." Taehyung says turning off the console and putting the controllers back.

I stand up and follow tae out into the lounge and to the room right beside ours. I open the door.

"Jin-hyu-" I stop to see a cute sight. Jin is laying on his back with Y/N on top of him. While Namjoon and Jin have their arms around him in a protective manner. Y/N looks so tiny than he already is compared to Jin and Namjoon.

Me and tae look at each other, and take out our phones from our pockets.

"Black mail." Me and tae whisper at the same time. A mischievous smile on our faces and we start taking photos of the three.

Once we're done we try waking up Jin-hyung. "Jin-hyung wake up we're hungry!" I say shaking Jin alittle. Jin didn't budge but Y/N stirred alittle and clinged onto Jin-hyung.

"Jin-hyung wake up!" Taehyung says pinching his cheek" Jin finally wakes up and opens his eyes.

"What is it you two?" Jin says grogginess lingering in his voice.

"We're hungry and it's time for breakfast." I say and Jin's eyes widen and looks at the clock.

"Aish, I over slept! Okay you two go so I can get change." He says carefully moving Y/N into Namjoon's arms. Y/N and Namjoom snuggles into the new found warmth. Me and Taehyung both leave and walk into the lounge area turning on the TV. Jin walks out in a pink baggy sweater and black skinny jeans with his blonde hair nicely brushed.

(Sorry but Jin with blonde hair is one of my favorite times.)

He starts cooking eggs, bacon, and toast.


I wake up and open my eyes to see a naked toned chest and strong protective arms around me. I look up and see Namjoon's face, blushing deeply. Once I'm more awake I start smelling eggs and bacon cooking. I get out of bed and struggle to put my white binder on. I look in the mirror and smile alittle slipping on a white shirt and black skinny jeans that are ripped at the knees.

I open the door not caring about my messy h/c hair. And walk over into the lounge area where I see Tae-hyung and Jungkook-hyung watching TV on the couch.

"Morning hyungs." I greet them with a smile.

"Morning Y/N!" They say back happily.

Jin walks into the lounge from the kitchen. "Hey Y/N can you go wake up the others?" Jin asks.

"Okay hyung!" I smile and walking into jimin's room.

"Jimin hyung wake up, it's time for breakfast." I say shaking him. He moves alittle and opens his eyes alittle.

"Leave me alone, brat." He replies trying to go back to sleep.

"Nope!" I say and drag him on to the floor.

"Aish what was that for!" He yells.

"Breakfest." I say and walk into my room to wake Namjoon up.

"Hyung, breakfest time." I say and he opens his eyes.

"Okay, kid" He says getting out of bed and instantly tripping. I giggles and he groans getting up to go get change.

I walk out of the room and into yoongi's and hoseok' room. " Hoseok-hyung wake up." I say opening the blinds, since Jin said that was a easy way to get him up. He moves alittle and turns till he opens his eyes.

"Breakfast." I say to him and he nods going to the bathroom. I look over at yoongi. "And now for the boss battle." I say going over to him.

"Hyung wake up!" I yell into his ear and he doesn't budge. I groan and shake him, nothing. I get on top of his stomach straddling him. And pokes his cheeks. Still nothing.

By this time Hoseok walks out of the bathroom. "I've learned that yoongi wakes up when I sing, maybe you should try?" He says and walks out of the room. "Hm maybe." I think to myself and start singing.

"Often I am upset, that I can not fall in love, but I guess this avoides the stress of falling out of it.

Are you, tired of me yet? I'm alittle sick right now but I swear when I'm ready I'll fly us out of here.

I'll cut my hair, to make you stare.

I'll hide my chest, and I'll figure out a way to get us out of here.

Turn off your porcelain face, I can't think right now in this place, has to many colors enough to drive all of us insane.

Are you dead? Sometimes I think I'm dead. Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head. But I don't want to fall asleep just yet

My eyes went dark, I don't know where, my pupils are but I'll, figure out a way to get us out of here

Get a load of this monster, he doesn't know how to communicate, his mind is in a different place, will everyone give him alittle bit of space.

Get a load of this trainwreak, his hairs a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet, little do we know the starts welcome him with open arms.

Time is,


Tracing his face.

But he strongly feels at home in this place."

I sing softly with closed eyes and hear "woah" coming from the threshold of the room and movement on the bed. I look at the door and blush to see everyone at the door in awe.

"Ummm" I say alittle embarrassed and look down. Yoongi sits up and takes my chin in his hand making me look at him.

"You sing bueatifully" he says, smilling. I blush even more.

"Let's go eat now before the food gets cold." Jin says to all of us.

"Okay." We say and all walk out of yoongi's room while he gets changed.


Anyways that's the end of this chapter extraordinary people.

Next time~

Will someone ask Y/N what that song means and what it means to him? Will Y/N be honest or make up a excuse? Find out next time!

(On Dragonball Z) haha sorry XD

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