q u a t r e ; 4

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"Do you think our dresses are enough for the party?" rosé asks jennie while looking through their small closet with atleast, 3 decent dress hanging.

"We don't really have a choice, do we?" jennie responds, she is suddenly thinking twice of going to jisoo's party.. But whenever she recalls lisa's smile to her.. She just feels like she has to go.

"Ding dong!" The doorbell has rang. Jennie and rose looked at each other nervously. "That can't be. I paid the rent just last week." Jennie says out loud. "Maybe it's the electric bill? Water bill? What did we forget to pay?" Rose already biting off her nails now.

"Ding dong!" The doorbell have rang again. "We'll just have to check it out.." Jennie says and they both nod as they go through the door to open it..

But when jennie opened it, it wasn't what they expected to see.. It was a delivery man infront of them, carrying two boxes. They both looked confused, knowing they both don't like ordering online.

"Miss. Jennie Kim and Miss. Rosé Park?" The delivery man asked, assuring that the boxes he carried have been delivered to the right apartment.

"Yes.." Jennie and Rose nods. The delivery man made them sign a paper to clarify that it has been received.

They both took the box, and putted it on the table.

"Look jennie! There's a letter!" Rose says excitedly, and reads it out loud–

"Dear, Jennie-" upon hearing this jennie goes near and reads the letter together with rosé. "You'll look great in these. I am looking forward to see you at the party! Ps. There's also something for rosé so don't worry. Yours Truly, Lisa."

"Oh myyyyy goooddd!!"  Rose squeals. "JenLisa! JenLisa! JenLisa!" Rose shouts with her arms in the sky.


"Jennie & Lisa!" Rose says happily as she also opens the boxes. "It's lovely!! You will SLAY in these." Rose looks at Jennie and excitedness written in her expression.

"There. All done!" Rose tells Jennie.. "Isn't this a bit too much?" Jennie says, feeling unconfortable with a makeup and dress on. "What do you mean too much? That is just light makeup! You're just not used it but you'll get the hang of it soon." Rose smiles at Jennie to assure her.

"If you say so..."

"These dresses are so gorgeous!" Rose says as she is infront of the mirror. "Anyway, let's get going! We don't want to be late! Woo-hoo!"

Rose is very much excited for the party, and jennie.. She was nervous. She wasn't a fan of parties, especially, when she's all dressed up like this.

"I'll pay the uber." Jennie insisted, and rose declined. "I will. You paid our rent full this month." Rose glared at Jennie, and stopped her hands from paying. After rose gave the payment to the driver, she smiled softy to Jennie. "You have done a lot for me and thank you." Rose says, when they got off the Uber. "You're really gonna cry here?" Jennie asked and giggled, "I told you. Don't worry about it. We're already like sisters. Now, don't cry and your makeup will be ruined." Jennie says and hugged Rosé for a second. "I won't cry! It took me an hour to do makeup! This is a partyy!!" and they went ahead the big mansion.

When they got in, they were welcomed by loud music surrounding the mansion. There was many people and celebrities, models, business women and men can be spotted.

"I'm glad you two came!" Jisoo greeted them, "No no! Thank you for invinting us! Happy Birthday!" Jennie and Rose said and handed Jisoo a gift. "Aww.. You didn't have to.. Thank you.." Jisoo accepts the gifts and hugs them both. Jennie looks at Lisa who is beside Jisoo, Lisa has been staring at Jennie.. She can't seem to take off her eyes off her. "Lisa, thank you for the dress." Jennie says, and smiles. "Thank you, It's very gorgeous!" Rose bows her head down, thanking lisa for the dress. "Oh.. Ah.. Yeah.. No problem." Lisa says to the both of them. What was happening to her? It was just like their first meeting again. Jennie Kim just never fails to leave, Lalisa Manoban amazed.

"We should leave these two lovebirds alone.." Jisoo tells Rose. Rose agrees, whispering "Jenlisa" to Jennie before Rose and Jisoo went away. It was a whisper enough to be heard by Lisa and it pretty much made Lisa smile.

"JenLisa? That's cute.." Lisa says to Jennie, "Really? I find it a bit ridiculous.." Jennie says jokingly.

"You look beautiful.." Lisa looks Jennie in the eye.

"You mean, the dress? Well, it's your design so.." Jennie says looking at her dress. "I must say, your designs are impressive judging by mine and rose's dress. I haven't really seen your designs since I don't go to boutiques." Jennie says.

"You know, it really suits you and my designs look better when you're the one wearing it." Lisa tells Jennie.

"Don't joke on me, Lisa. Even though, you say it like that.. I still won't buy your designs."

"I know, the first time I asked you this.. It didn't work out and I must admit, I was a bit of a weirdo to ask you this the first time I met you. So I will ask again,
Will you be my model for my next runaway fashion show?" Lisa says, looking Jennie in the eye. "I know it's not easy for you but, I promise I will be there to help you."

"Why me?" Jennie asks Lisa.

"Like I said, my designs look better when you're wearing them and I knew that the first time my eyes laid on you at the Coffee Shop."

"Is this how you talk to your models?" Jennie questions Lisa.

"No.. You're an exception. I can't really explain why you are but you just are." Lisa says to Jennie. "This just says so.." Pointing to her own heart. "When the heart says it, you don't need an explanation."

Jennie was about to respond till a waiter interupts them. "Would you like a drink?"

Lisa took two glass and gave Jennie the other one.

"Let's look for Jisoo and Rose" Lisa suggested and Jennie just nodded and followed Lisa but when they saw them, they were pretty much enjoying each other's company.

"We shouldn't bother them, aye?" Lisa says, lisa grins. "JiSé?" She says to Jennie that made Jennie giggle. "How about RoSoo?"

"Hmm.. That sounds better." Lisa says and it was true. Everything is just better when it's Jennie.

"Let's go to the Balcony." Lisa says to Jennie, and jennie just followed.

"The view here is beautiful.." Jennie says looking up at the stars. "It is.." Lisa says, but she wasn't referring to the stars like Jennie.

"I'm afraid.." Jennie utters, while still looking at the stars. "I wish I could be like those stars who just shine so brightly in the sky, showing it off to the world without giving a fuck."

"Don't be.. I'll be by your side." Lisa says and Jennie looks down. "I.. I don't know.." Lisa lifts Jennie's face up..

"Just try it out, if you really can't do it. It's fine.. And I wish you just see how I see you.. You look beautiful."

Lisa says Jennie as she looks at her sad eyes. Their lips only an inch apart.

Lisa went ahead and jumped into the flame, she couldn't take it. She just want to take the sadness away from her.

Their lips touched and it felt even more electrifying than when their hands touched.

Lisa pulled away, "I'm sorry.. I couldn't help it."

"I will try it.. I'll be your model if you promise me that you won't leave my side." Jennie says that shocked lisa. "Are you sure?" Lisa asks Jennie.

"I am." Jennie smiles assuring Lisa and that made Lisa hug Jennie. "Thank you."

But it was cut off when Jisoo came carrying an asleep Rose, "Pardon me for intruding into such an inappropriate scene but Rose got so drunk.. It's better to take her home.."

"We were just hugging.." Lisa defends. "Just a hug?" Jisoo asks in a teasing tone that made Lisa and Jennie's faces turn red remembering how their lips touched. "Ah! I'll just carry Rose!" Jennie said but Jisoo insisted to just carry Rose.

"I'll give you both a ride." Lisa says, "We'll just take an Uber." Jennie said. "No, I insist. It's dangerous at this time." Lisa says looking at her watch.

When they got infront of the apartment, "So.. We'll just meet up tomorrow about it?" Jennie asks Lisa, "Yeah.. For now, get some sleep. I don't want you exhausting yourself." Lisa says, to jennie with a smile and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, My muse."

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