{9} Busted

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Chapter 9:

Emily's POV

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" I yell out as I shove the phone in Paige's face, she begins to tense up in her seat.

"I have no idea what you're talking about Emily. Someone probably took my phone and sent that! I-I—It's probably Alison, she's been wanting to break us up from the get-go!" Paige pleads as she attempts to grab my arms.

Okay, now I'm pissed.

"Why the fuck would she send this? She literally has no reason to! This is your phone is it not?!"

Paige doesn't say anything, she fiddles with her hands as she once again tries to grab mine, unfortunately I came up with a better use for them as I slap her across the face and push her towards the car door, pointing for her to get out.

"Get out Paige."

Paige looks at me with pleading eyes and shakes her head.

"But Em- "


At that she scrambles to get out, I throw her stuff out the door, along with her phone in front of my front wheel and run over it while I speed off towards the main road.

Oh what a shame, she sure has nothing to text with now.

I quickly drive over to Spencer's and as I was pulling by the curb I spot Alison's beautiful blonde locks as she pushes her hand through them, adjusting to the sun and smiling as she sees my car pull in. Excitement surges through me once I make eye contact with her, I couldn't believe that I'll actually have my chance to be with Alison.

I quickly secure my bag, phone and keys before walking out of the car. I scan the street swiftly before crossing over and while I was halfway through Alison begins to scream out at me.


I turn to face a beaming bright light that catches my eyes as I feel the speeding body of metal through every crevice of my body and as I fell all I could hear was Alison.

Alison's POV

"YOU FUCKING CUNT!" I yelp as I throw one of Spencer's long lost field hockey balls at the zooming vehicle.

I call out for the girls as I rush over to Emily's bruised up body, I spot her eyes fluttering, refusing to shut.

"No Emily, don't you dare shut your eyes. I love you please! Spencer call help!" I wail as I hold Emily's body close to my chest, the girls begin to pace and look around the area.

"Shit, okay...Hello? Yes, there's been an accident..." Spencer says as she wanders off to continue the call, looking back and forth on the street for anymore idiots in cars.

Emily coughs as blood slowly fills her mouth, her eyes were beginning to shut as she softly mutters...

"I love you Alison..."

I sob on top of her as I saw her beautiful brown orbs disappear, I cling onto her while Aria and Hanna tries to pull me away once the incoming ambulance pulls in.Nevertheless, I stay latch onto her, keeping my hard grip onto her shirt. Spencer reaches for my hands and pries them away as they take Emily into the back of the ambulance. As soon as they drive away, I rush to my car with the girls hopping in and begin to follow them, praying the whole drive there that my Emily will be alright.

Aria's POV

Once we got to the hospital, Emily rushes into surgery as Alison paces around in the waiting room, frantically asking nurses and doctors that were passing by about her whereabouts. Emily was soon put into recovery after four agonizing hours and isn't allowing Alison or anyone in until she wakes. According to the nurse, the way the car hit Emily caused for her to internally bleed, with the damage of two broken ribs, a fractured right leg and a little fucked up nerve system. They won't let anyone in just to stay cautious in case she pushes into a code blue surgery. Alison's pacing was driving all of us and the entire hospital insane.

"Ali stop moving like a fucking duck. Emily's not going anywhere, you're allowed to sit for awhile." Hanna says as she rolls her eyes and checks the time.

Spencer and I exchange looks and we both let out a giggle while I continue to flip through a magazine and as Spencer checks her emails. Alison continues to freak out since Emily's in a coma and no one will talk to her about her well-being.

"You may now see her Alison, however, please be aware that she has not woken up yet." Wren mentions as he approaches us and puts away his pen into his front pocket.

"Thank you Wren, I really appreciate it." Alison replies with a smile while I eye Spencer who was exchanging looks with the dreamy British doctor. I nudge at her to gain her longing attention as I give her knowing look, she clears her throat and flashes Wren a quick smile before averting his gaze.

Wren smiles it off as he give us directions towards Emily room before giving us one of his dashing British smiles and walks away with one of his many nurses. We quickly wave goodbye and suddenly all at once burst into a full sprint to Emily room.

*Room #314*

As we enter Emily's room, beeps fill the whole space with machinery and wires on both sides of her bed as she lay still, damaged and pale.

Spencer's POV

After seeing Wren, I could still feel the red glow stained onto my face as we make our way to Emily's room. Aria smiles at me, indicating that we were definitely going to talk about what just happened with him. After an hour passes while we wait in Emily's room for her to wake, Alison starts to sob into Emily's chest while holding her delicate hands.

"Come on Ali, she'll be fine." I press on after hearing her wail for the thousandth time, like don't get me wrong I love the bitch but there's just so much crying a person can endure.

"Doesn't matter, this shouldn't have happened to her." Alison says as she shifts in her position, bringing her face closer to Emily's.

"Come on baby, please wake up."

As if she could hear her, Emily's eyes starts to flutter awake, blinking every few seconds as her eyes adjusts to the bright light. She soon jolts up quickly, unaware of her surroundings and confused on what was happening.

"What happened? What are you guys doing here? Where am I?!"

"Em it's okay, you're awake! That's all that matters." I reply walking closer to the bed along with Aria and Hanna.

"You just need a brace for your right leg, some stitches and to heal for the time being." Alison coos while fixing Emily's hair away from her eyes. Emily scans the room, relief fills her eyes once she fully focuses them on Alison as she smiles softly.

"I love you."

"I love you too baby but we still have A and you're still with Paige." Alison says softly, looking down as she fiddles w her fingers once again. Emily picks up her chin swiftly and plants a sweet kiss upon her lips.

"Trust me, you don't have to worry about A or Paige." Emily sighs out before giving us a curiously reassuring smile.

We all exchange glances of relief towards each other before the curiosity fully fills our minds about what she meant and just when I was about to speak up, a certain someone walks in...

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