{30} D-E-A-D

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Chapter 30:

Spencer's POV

I ask Emily a question and she suddenly goes silent, she drops her gaze down onto the floor for a moment.  I look around over at the other girls and they all have the same concerned face as I did. Emily shifts in her position uncomfortably and sighs while I try again once more.

"Em, are you okay?"

"I-I--It's a long story."

Before I could further question Emily, we suddenly get interrupted by a breaking news forecast on my kitchen TV.

Breaking news, Mona Vanderwaal found dead inside her own home. Police are taking in new investigation.

"What the hell? Mona's dead?" I yell aloud while taking in the other girls' expressions.

We can't believe it, at first she was just a nerd, then popular, A, crazy, devious, A again, a friend and now DEAD? 

What the actual fuck.

"Guys, are you thinking who I'm thinking that killed Mona?" I question as Hanna nods in agreement.

"Are you saying A's back and is trying to kill off Mona for good?"

"Well, obviously A already succeeded that plan." Aria points out by pointing at the TV, that were showing 

"No it can't be A, A's dead I made sure of it!" Alison says while looking back at the TV.

"Then who the hell killed Mona?"

I look over at Alison and Emily, Emily wasn't talking and was hugging Alison from behind, burying her face into the crook of her neck. I furrow my eyebrows towards their direction before speaking up again.

"You're awfully quiet, Em." Alison turns swiftly to look at Emily and nods.

"Yeah, what's wrong baby?" she questions while kissing Emily on her cheek. Emily smiles in response and then shakes her head.

"It's nothing, I just have a headache." I rose my eyebrow at Emily, detecting that there's something else wrong.

"Are you sure?" I ask once again wanting to investigate more into Emily's behavior.

Alison's POV

Spencer's been asking a lot of questions that I actually want to know the answers myself. Emily stands straight up from behind me with her hand still holding onto my waist.

"Yeah Spence, I'm fine but I do have to go." I turn around and give her a confused look. 

"Why? Where are you going?" I ask her curiously as I attempt to stand up. Emily holds me down, smiling and planting a kiss onto my forehead.

"Don't worry about it."

"Okay, I'll see you soon?" I ask, hopefully while she nods and begins to walk her way towards the door.

"I'll come by your house later tonight, okay?" 

"I love you." I yell out as Emily looks back at me and quickly jogs towards me to plant a kiss onto my lips gently.

"I love you more." she says and kisses the top of my nose before turning back towards the door while waving goodbye to the girls and I. As soon as Emily closes the door, the girls all yell out in unison.

"AWWW" I burst out laughing while shaking my head at their remark.

"Okay, Okay" I tell them, trying to settle them down. I look over towards Spencer, who seems tense and distracted.

"Why so tense, Spence?" I ask, innocently then giggle after realizing my accidental rhyming. Spencer smiles and then shakes her head at her distracting thought.

"I don't know but did you guys notice anything strange about Emily?"

"You mean like how she's not in Texas?" Hanna asks, I look at Spencer with a confused look while wondering what she means by 'strange'. Spencer shakes her head at Hanna's comment.

"No, like how she acts...it's different. Like how we were talking about Mona's death, she was all quiet." Spencer points out while still contemplating her thoughts.

"What are you saying Spence?" Aria asks, trying to catch up with the conversation.

"I don't know, Emily just seems very shady lately." Spencer further explains on while I raise an eyebrow and start to feel a burn of anger rise up inside of me.

"Are you trying to say that Emily has something to do about Mona's death?" I question her, angrily. Spencer's eyes widens as she takes a step back, gaining distance between the two of us.

"No...not exactly." I stand up quickly while stepping towards her.

"Are you actually that stupid to believe that MY Emily is capable of murdering Mona?" Spencer's face turns red as she steps forward, now furious and meeting me halfway while looking dead at my eyes.

"Did you just call me stupid?" she questions, eyes full of rage. I stick my face right up to hers while challenging her back with my eyes before replying just as angry as she is.

"Did I stutter?" 

"Well we also didn't think Emily was capable of cheating either."

I soon begin to feel my legs numb up as I step back, remembering the times of Emily cheating on me various times. I shake my head and point my finger at Spencer, now regaining the vicious anger from inside.

"Look that's different, that's between Emily and I and she apologized but that does not mean she's capable of killing someone!" Aria and Hanna stands stiff as they exchange looks.

"Well..." Aria begins off, debating whether or not to continue her sentence.

"Well what?" I ask as I turn to face her while raising my eyebrows.

"She did kill Nate." Aria explains on, my face drops at the fact that Emily did indeed take a person's life away, but it was self defense. Spencer steps towards me, slowly.

"Look, I'm sorry but the way she's acting now was the same way she acted when she killed Nate...we can just smell her guilt."

"That's not possible, Emily would never do that for no reason." I say before running outside. I run into the streets and into my car as I get inside it, start the engine and drive towards my house, which isn't far at all.

Once I get to my house and up to my room, I sit on my bed and begin to think about what Spencer said. It makes no sense for Emily to kill Mona. I lay on my bed as I close my eyes while massaging my temple. My thoughts are too overbearing for me to handle, I soon feel myself fall into a deep sleep.

What would be her motive? 

A's dead so what is the reason?

I awoke to a doorbell ring aloud in my house, my eyes flutter open as I drag myself up in attempt to open the door. I let out a yawn as I hear another doorbell ring out, I scrunch my nose at the impatient guest.

"I'm coming." I call out while walking down the stairs as I check my phone to see if Emily texted.


Once I reach the bottom of the stairs, I check the window and see a car but it wasn't Emily's or any of the girls', it was a different car. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion on who could be at my door right now. I position myself before slowly opening my door, my gaze looks dead onto their eyes as I drop my phone. 

"What the hell?" I let out with my mouth hanging wide open.

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