My team and mission

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His team not the army .

Percy -Omega

Piper- Dove

Luke - Alps


Zoe Nightshade- Hunter

Silana Beauregard- Beauty   

Charles Beckendorf- Flame

Ethan Nakamura- Revenge 

Michael  Yew - Arrow 

June-June (She is  not a half blood)

         ( After Percy left the Olympians  had to choose which 2 of  there  children will have to become gods   )

Percy/Omega P.O.V. ( 5,000years/5 years later )

My name is Omega. Once my father was the sea god of Earth but  now he is the creator of the univeres a.k.a.Chaos.I have amazing friend and a great dad. My dad didn't make us train like crazy ,he has training time but its not that bad mostly becouse we have been in wars and the trai.

My dad recurite all kind so heros.He even recurite hummans.One girl is name June.She saved 10 half blood with out traing.Me and my team not includeing June  were in the game room talking. Of course I was makeing fun of Alps .

" You so do have a crush Hunter" I told him.

"No I don't have a crush on her if any has a crush on someone it would be  Revenge .Cough Angel Cough."Alps said. Revenge's face turned red.Alps was so stupid he didnt notice Angel by hind us .For a second the was silents.

"Omega your father has called you!" shouted June tuning in .

" I'm comeing !" I yelled back .

I jump off the couch and run to the throne room .I walk into the throne room  to see my father.

"Hello father how may I serve you " I said with a smirk .

" Omega why are you being so formal you can call me dad .Ok ?" my father said .

"Ok I was just playing around you now I always call you dad.So what did you call me for ? "  I asked.

"Well son I need you and the team to go to ......." he stoped before he could finish the sentence .

" Dad you can tell me anything,I mean anything ." I told him .

"Well I need you guys to go to earth." As he said that my face went pale and I stood still.

For about a minute there was silence when  I finally said  " Dad you now what  happened there and what do they even want they could  just have Mark  the hero of olympus save them.!!!!!!"

"Omega I need you to do this because you're the only 1  who can stop them." my father said.

"Dad what do you mean them and I'm the only one ?" I asked

"Omega by the word them I mean my daughters and grandson also known as Kronos and Gia. The reason why you can only stop them is because you were always there stop them.And if you don't they will take the earth and role as a dictatorship . Do you really want that to happen?" he asked.

"I will go ,but I don't want anyone to now who we are  so if you allow was to wear our mask and cape and band for anyone to unmask  without our permission ." I said .

"Alright my son,but u have to tell your team you guys will be leaveing in 1 hour alright. "

"Okay dad"I said .

" Ill go tell the Olympians ."

A flash later he was gone . I walk into the training room  to see all of my team staring at me .

" So what did lord Chaos want Omega?" Angel asked .

" Well my father wanted us to go on mission to ..........Earth." I said .As I said that I saw half my army with gloomy faces and the rest with happy faces.For a few second there was awkward silence but then

                                                          Hunter broke the silence by saying "Well then when are we leaveing to Earth and may I ask why we are going?"

" Well Hunter you see Gia and Kronos will be re awake soon so my father has entrusted us to help them.We will be leaveing in 1 hour so if I were you I would  start paking " I said back .

After that Beauty and Dove approach me.Beauty asked "Will you be ok you."

"I really don't now. But my father asked me to do this ,so I guess I'll do it." I said grimly 

"Ok if your shir" Dove said .

1 hour later in the throne room
"Is everyone ready to go !?" I asked my team. They all shook there head.

" Dad were ready."

A second later a huge light appeared.

An then we stood in different throne room with 12 huge thrones filled with propel  and a few littel ones. And then I and knew we were on Olympus.

Then I saw her.The worst part of seeing her is that she had the ring on. The one I was going to give her.

So I hope you liked this chapter. I have been reading this amazing  story by @khadijiah1 . Remember Team Leo !

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