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Mahira brought her face down to the level of those large big brown eyes.

"You think you can lure me in with those eyes of yours." At Mahira's statement the 7 month old baby broke out into a toothy grin revealing his first ever tooth breaking out for a brief second before falling right back to watching her intensely with his mouth hung open letting out a bubble of saliva.

Mahira pulled another face equally craving one more smile just as baby Noah craved for one more silly face.

"Oi. Stop that. He'll cry." Saif, Mahiras brother strolled in, a man on a mission, with his eyes wondering. He was here for one thing and one thing only, to retrieve the controller he had come in for.

Noah broke out into a hearty laugh bouncing and clapping as he found his favourite face.

"See! He's not going to cry." Mahira points to Noah's sudden spring of enthusiasm as Noah tries to follow Saif with his head but ends up falling back, off balanced, just as Mahira catches him from rolling off the bed.

"Only because I walked in." Saifs wondering eyes pause and then he leans over the bed squishing Mahira in the process flat on the bed as he makes a grab for his controller.

Mahira squeals hitting his chest all the while trying to keep baby Noah in her hold.

"Sorry." He says once his controller was safely at his grasp. He rubbed it as if it were his baby. Mahira directed a hard long glare while she adjusted her hijab. "Next time don't hide my controller." He shoots her an equal glare.

"Don't you ever flatten me again." Mahira snapped.

Noah clapped at the entertainment folding before him but then started to moan when Saif began to head for the exit.

"Saif. He wants to go to you. You never carry him."

"Because he always drools over me and pulls my beard."

"So he's just a baby. Man up. It hardly hurts. He pulls my hair all the time."

"I don't have time for this."

"But wait I have something to tell you!" Mahira shouts but in vain as the door has already slammed shut leaving a crying Noah in Mahiras arms.

Noah looks heartbroken as he cranes his neck searching for Mahiras face, almost as if he had understood their whole conversation.

"Don't worry. Uncle Saif is boring." Mahira scoops Noah into her arm placing a kiss on his chubby cheek before bouncing him over her shoulder. He always would scream until his throat ran dry and his face shaded red.

Thankfully the door bell rang on cue and Mahira ran with baby Noah to open the door.

"Oooh my baby. I missed you." Sadia dropped her shopping and immediately robbed Noah off Mahira who was back to smiles and laughter.

"Did you get anything for me?" While Sadia kissed her son with a million and one kisses, Mahira snooped into the bags but only with her eyes as much as the open bag would allow.

Mahiras brother in-law stepped foot inside next carrying the rest of the bags in one hand and closing the door with the other.

"I hope Noah didn't give you a hard time." Idris, Sadias husband asked rubbing a hand across his newly cropped afro.

"No, not at all. We had so much fun." I say smiling as he hands me a bag.

"For you." He smiles before trudging off to his family's reunion happening in the living room. Noah laughs and claps as his father scoops him up and throws him lightly into the air. His little giggle is contagious as everyone too falls into laughter after him.

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