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Today's the day of our first game for the Jackson High Eagles. I walk through the halls dressed in our green and gold softball sweatshirt, Jauregui and my number 13 on the back. I looked down and saw my black sweatpants with Eagles Fastpitch down the side in green and gold lettering. I look ahead if me and saw in gold lettering "O'Bryan 27" in front of me. Cady was walking in front if me, books hugged tight against her chest. I jogged a little to catch up with her. When I was close to her I reached out and touched her shoulder. I didn't mean to freak her out so bad but she had a spaz attack and threw her book everywhere. All her book were flung everywhere around the hallway. I sighed knowing that I still was no where near gaining her trust. I bent over and picked up her Chemistry book... Chemistry huh, smart chick. She was scrambling to get her other books. Once she had her other books she stood up and looked at me fearfully.

"Why do you always look at me like that?! Well I guess I did fuck you up pretty bad... sorry 'bout that" I said handing her the book

She nodded and turned to get back to her class, but I still wanted to talk to her so I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the bath room... again.

"Lauren!" She complained looking up at me with her puppy dog green eye.

"Oh shut up, what do you have next? Chemistry? I'll explain it to Mr. Horan. I wanted to talk to you" I said leaning against the sink

"Fine" she huffed putting her stuff on the ground crossing her arms over her chest.

"I know you and Camila are sisters" I said looking at her

"Ok..." She said

"And I also know that something isn't right in your past" I said looking at her, crossing my arms.

"Alright...." She said looking at me skeptically

"And it's bothering me that I don't know" I continued

"I-I I don't want to tell you" she said and I saw fear flash through her eyes.

"Cady... Seriously you can trust me" I said walking closer to her.

I saw something flash though her eyes again... This time it was like she was remembering something... something terrible... I saw her breathing start to quicken, and she started to tremble.

"Cady?" I said putting my hand in her shoulder

She started to breath even heavier and shake even more.

"What's going on?!?" I said trying to get Cady to calm down.

Soon her knees gave in and she fell to the floor I fell to the floor with her and pulled her into my lap. I was panicking, I didn't know what to do, and then I heard another voice.

"Lauren!?! What the fuck?!?" It was Ally

"I-I don't know, I asked her something and she started shaking and breathing really heavily..." I said hugging the small girl tighter against me.

"Lauren! She's having a god damn panic attack!!! I'm getting Camila!" Ally said running out of the bathroom

I nodded and looked at Cady. Her usually green eyes were a dull grey, her face was pale, she was struggling to breath, and she was still shaking violently.

"Cady, stay with me... Please just stay with me... Camila is coming don't worry" I said on absolute fear of the girl not being ok.

A few minutes late, Camila and Ally ran into the bathroom, both in absolute panic. Camila ran towards the girl in my arms.

"Lauren?!? What did you ask her?!?" Camila asked pulling the girl into her lap, stroking her hair calmingly

"I-I just a-asked her about her p-p-past" I said still shaken up about the whole incident.

"Shit... alright, I know you didn't know better, but please just stay away from that topic... ok?" Camila said looking me straight in the eyes.

I nodded and watched as she calmed Cady down... soon Cady stopped shaking and her breathing became more and more calm.

"Cady? Can you hear me?" Camila said cupping her face.

"Mila?" She asked, her voice hoarse

"Yea, Cady it's me" Camila said smiling at the little freshman.

"We should probably all get back to class now..." Ally said looking at the clock.

I nodded and helped Cady up. She was a little shaky on her feet but then got her balance back. Camila got up and came over and kissed Cady in her forehead, lovingly.

"I'll see you guys later" Camila said leaving the bathroom.

"Well... This was fun but I'm out, y'all read the bible" Ally said saluting us and walking out.

"Let's get you out of here" I mumbled picking up her books and walking with her out of the bathroom. When we reached Mr. Horans room, Cady opened the door nervously.

"Ms. O'Bryan, so lovely of you to join us! Now where were you for the first 30 minutes of class?" I heard Mr. Horan's Irish accent ring out.

I then walked into the class room, and everyone gasped. I mean come on, Lauren Jauregui is with a Panther? It's like unheard of!

"Sorry Mr. Horan, Cady was with me..." I explained putting my arm around Cady's shoulder.

I saw the mans bright blue eyes widen a little.

"Uh.... Alright I'll let this one slide Ms. Jauregui, but next time I can't say the same." He said and I nodded

"Alright have a nice day" I said awkwardly walking out of the room.


The varsity softball team was traveling on the bus to the school we were playing. I was sitting next to Ally in the front of the bus. Cabello and Cady were sitting behind us. Dinah and Normani were sitting across from me and Ally and Katelyn and Jenny were sitting across from Camila and Cady. The coaches were sitting in front of Ally and I. Coach Gomez was scribbling furiously on her clipboard, and Coach Lovato was watching, occasionally pointing at something and correcting it. Cady and Ally both had there headphones on and were listening to music. Dinah and Normani were playing patty cake, Katelyn and Jenny were deep in conversation, and Cabello and I were starring out the window. I could hear 'Mirrors' by Justin Timberlake playing softly from Ally's headphones. The bus finally pulled into the parking lot of the East Side Tigers parking lot. I sighed and got up and got out of the bus, towing my catchers gear and bat bag with me. When I reached the field I saw the purple and red jerseys of the Tigers players.

"They are going down" I muttered walking into the dugout.



How are you guys?!

Sorry this took a little longer then expected... I was really busy with softball and stuff and then I hurt my hand and all that kind of shit.

I hope you liked the chapter!!!

Until next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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