Chapter 2

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1 month later.....

I gasped with pain....I blacked out momentarily....I got up and took as much morphine as was possible....

When I woke up again, the morphine  had kicked in and the pain was bearable. The baby was slowly killing  me. I didn't need a vampire to tell me that. My ribs were broken, I couldn't eat properly and worst of all, I had to drink blood. That wasn't a problem, Carlisle had many gallons of animal blood stored up and even a few bags of human blood. The baby was thirsty for blood and didn't mind which one. Sometimes i felt like ending  my life, but then I thought about the unborn child. I could never harm it. However  I hoped it looked more like me than Edward because if it looked like Edward it would be a living  reminder of him and what he had done to me. Then, when the morphine had fully taken its toll I set about putting  my plan into action. First of all i wrote Charlie a note. It broke my heart to write it but I had to...

Dear Mom and Dad,

When you read this I will be long gone. Dad, there is no point trying to look for me, my body will be at the bottom of a lake, a river or an ocean. You won't find me. I want you to know that this isn't your fault at all. You and Renee were loving parents and I loved you so much. I know people will say if I truly loved you then why did I go, well I had to go because of him. Edward. He broke my heart and I just couldn't live without him. Renee, please don't feel to sad. Please live a happy life. You to dad. Live your life to the full and just remember all the happy times we had together. Please don't be to sad. I love you both.

Love Bella

I placed the note on the kitchen table and left the house. I drove my Volvo up to a deserted cliff and made the long walk home. Whilst I was still in the forest, I pulled my hoodie up, and put in a pair of green contact lenses. Then I pulled on a new coat and made my way to the train station. The reason for my disguise was so no one could spot me an  then tell Charlie and give him fake hope. It broke my heart to leave him but I had to. Otherwise, I would die in front on him and what would happen to my child? I already knew they get at an unnatural rate, so what would the world do about it. It also wasn't fair on Charlie.

With a sigh, I paid for my ticket and got on a train. I knew where I was going. Wasn't sure if they'd welcome me but at least my child would go into safe hands. I was going to visit The Cullen's extended family in Denali. They too ate animal blood which made them 'vegetarians' They had always been highly spoken of and i knew that they would probably care for me, once I told them who I was. I leant my head against the train window and settled for a long journey....

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