Chapter 3

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Urrrgghh.....ahhhh....why couldn't I see Bella? Usually my visions could tell me anything I wanted to know about Bella but recently they were getting blurred. Then suddenly they stopped and trying yo get them gave me headaches. Maybe she was hanging out with the werewolves. Ewwww....I grew jealous...why hadn't I told Bella sooner? We had grown really close and recently I had developed feelings. I pushed the thought out of m  mind the second Edward came into the room and for a while my secret had gone unnoticed. But then we had to leave. I didn't want to but Edward made us. I didn't like living alone. I missed Jasper, Emmett, Carlisle, Esme and I even missed Rosalie. I was currently staying in a small hut in the Scottish highlands. Living here was ideal. It was cold, plenty of fresh animal blood and it was never sunny. With a sigh I stopped trying to get visions and went back to reading my book....

a/n: sorry for this short chapter, just thought I would let u guys know Alice already liked Bella. Hope you're enjoying so far!! :)

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