Chapter 14

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I was just getting ready for bed when I heard a scream. I could only just hear it and to human ears it would be nothing. I replayed the scream in my head and I couldn't help but think the voice was familiar...Alice!!!! I called to Ceryena and she zoomed straight up. Wassup, she asked casually. Quick! Hurry I said help me find Alice. She looked confused but didn't question me. We ran through the roads and woods following Alice's accent. We arrived at what was probably get house. We walked towards it when we heard voices. Stop! I whispered to Ceryena. We waiting in the shadows and saw 7 men carrying a slumped figure. It was Alice! What should we do asked Ceryena. I debated and then said, let's follow them. When their can drove off we ran and then lightly jumped onto the roof of the van. It trundled along for about 20 minutes before stopping and sharply turning. We were in the woods now. Ceryena motioned ahead and I looked where she was pointing. There was a high security building and there were people patrolling. We jumped off and hid in the woods. The van entered the building and she was gone.

After about 2 hours we had a plan. Ceryena would go up to the guards and then run around them super fast. They would chase her and I would go inside. From then on I would have to guess. Ceryena walked up to them and ran. They all grabbed weapons and gave chase. I had complete faith in her. She was fast, even for a vampire. I slowly crept into the building and then I hurried into a corridor full of rooms. I walked into a deserted room and then looked around. It was a science lab. I grabbed a science coat, a clipboard and a pair of lab glasses. I walked into the same corridor and walked around the building. I was walking along another corridor when I heard another scream of Alice's. I looked frantically around and bumped into a man who looked familiar. With a jolt i recognised him as one of the men who had kidnapped Alice. He apologised and then led me to a room. Thank God i found one of you he said, i was confused until he pointed to my coat. On it was a badge that had my 'name' Nina Leighton and underneath was a title. Inspector and surgeon of demons. We have just found a young female vampire who needs sedating and inspecting. He pushed me into the room and i saw Alice lying on a  table with handcuffs, gagged and fighting against her restraints...

All of the other scientists took a moment to realise i was there. A woman with short blonde hair asked me who i was. "You're not Nina" She said looking at me with a quizzical stare. I had to think fast. No, i'm covering for her, she's sick i said quickly. The others seemed to accept it but the blonde woman still looked at me suspiciously. I walked towards Alice and everyone was telling me what to do. I wasn't listening. All i could pay attention to was the amount of cuts on Alice. My blood started to boil. Then, out of nowhere i was given a gun with sedation bullets. I walked right up to the table and Alice's eyes widened as she recognised me. Suddenly, i wasnt sure what to do. But then a door opened and a woman's voice rang out, hey, that's my coat. The real Nina had just walked in. All of the scientists reacted at once, but so did i. They weren't holding guns, only red buttons that alerted the fact an intruder had broken in. I swung round and shot them, one after the other. As the sedation bullets hit them they all swayed and then dropped. Finally only the blonde woman was left. She looked at me with hatred and her blue eyes seemed to pierce me. All i could do was run at her and knock her out. Which i did. I then turned to Alice and broke her restraints....

Are you alright i asked softly. Yeah i think so she said. I looked into her eyes and then i leant in and kissed her. She kissed me back and as we broke apart a loud siren went through the air and we ran, holding hands as we went...

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