Bad dream part 1

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⚠️ this chapter is PG13 read at risk you have been warned⚠️

No ones POV

As the triplets walked home from a stressing and confusing day,Rin and Yukio were discussing a punishment for their little sister, for her sudden appearance at the cram class. " Are we there yet". Y/n complained once again."Almost ". Yukio respond. As the brothers continued discussing, Y/n had spotted their dorm not too far away.

"Oh never mind we're here". Y/n said as she dashed towards the dorm." Wait (Y/n) stop running so fast, you could fall" Rin yelled running after his energetic sister. As rin caught up with her she fall and Rin had tripped over her, both rubbing their heads
"(Sigh) what am I gonna do with these two".

~ Time skip brought to you by....cheese🧀

"(Y/n) could you come here for a minute?. Yukio called for (y/n) who was upstairs. "Coming".(Y/n)
Walked downstairs to be greeted by Rin and Yukio. "Yes?" She asked innocently. " me and Rin have decided on your punishment for your sudden appearance at the cram class and the fact that you left the dorm by yourself". " no sugary sweets for a week" Rin continued. "What don't you think that's a little far?" " not in the slightest, now I think it's time for bed." As the three did nightly routine, saying good night and what not."Hey Yukio?" "Yes?" " do you think we should let (y/n) sleep in here after what happened last night?" Rin Questioned with worry." Although I see why you are concerned I think it would be best to let her sort this out with herself " Yukio replied forgetting about the incident that happened when he woke up briefly the previous night. " if you say so". Rin fell asleep soon after. Yukio on the other hand, stayed up later thinking, nothing in particular, just...thinking.

(Y/n) dream
"Fog,so.much.FOG" it would seem as if (y/n) had walked into a Horror movie. " wait a minute... i've seen this place dream!" " oh god what am I doing back here?!" "Nononono I wanna leave!" She screamed. "But I'm afraid you can't." (Y/n)'s head shot up. "I-it's you."(y/n) exclaimed with wide eyes terror filling them. "Oh, so you do remember me?" The girl Smirked as she walked closer. "N-no stay away!"

Yukio POV
As I was lost in thought, I could hear faint muffling from (y/n)s room. " strange, she should have been asleep by now." Yukio was going to choose to ignore it,thinking she was about to go to sleep when he herd her saying. "I-it's you." "N-no stay away!"
It was faint but he could hear every single word she said.Yukio Had never been this scared, he picked up his guns and slowly crept out of his room down the hall to (y/n)'s room.What he saw is something he'll never forget.His sister, with gashes all over her body, but her eye.. dear God it was so mangled and bloody "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Yukio screamed as he stumbled back. Rin had woken up and rushed to his side. "YUKIO WHAT IS THE MATTER!?!?" Rin screamed trying to get an answer of the situation. All he could do was point. Point what he hopped was still he's little sister.When looked in shared the same look of terror. For Once Yukio didn't know what to do. "WE HAVE TO GET MEPHISTO ASAP!!"

To be continued

Like I said I don't know how to write stories but I felt bad because I just left you guys hanging without an ending, so I'm a give this whole writing thing another try, but for now just tell me what I did wrong so I can correct my error

Ps I know it is very unlike the rest of my chapters, but I'm pretty sure I'm going insane😀

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