PART 3:: CARTER (Continued)

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The door bell rang and I hesitated to get up off of my perch on the arm of the love-seat. I didn't want to leave Tyler alone in my room but I had to go and get the door. It didn't look like Tyler was going to wake up anytime soon, so, I went downstairs and answered the door. There was a package sitting on the mat, it was probably my laptop. I walked upstairs as rain started pouring down on the house. When I got back up to my room, Tyler was gone and the window was open. I dropped the box on the bed and ran over to my window: Tyler was crawling down the street and away from my house. I didn't know how she got down the side of the house from three stories up without breaking a bone. It was then that I saw how crooked her right leg was. Yep, it was broken. I didn't want to let her get too far, so, I grabbed my umbrella, ran downstairs, and ran out the door, leaving it hanging wide open. When I got to her she was sitting on the pavement, shaking with cold and uncontrollable sobs. I knelt down in front of her and stroked her cheek, wiping off her tears. "Carter, I'm so sorry," she whispered. "For what sweetheart? I'm not mad at you," "No. It's not that. I'm so sorry for making you pay so much attention to me. I'm sorry for taking up so much of your life and pulling you away from all of your friends...I'm so sorry for making your life awful it's just..." I silenced her by pressing my lips to hers. When she pulled away she rested her head against my chest and sighed, "My leg hurts," "Let's get you to the car and to the hospital," So I got up and leaned down and scooped her up into my arms. As we walked back to  my house Tyler nestled her head against my chest as she whispered ever so gently, "I love you,"


Thank you all for sticking with me and I am so sorry for not updating sooner. I need 20 suggestions of the most romantic songs before I update again. 



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