Part 4:: Tyler

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      As Carter laid me down in the backseat of the car, my thoughts just became more and more jumbled. I wanted to be with him, but, I felt that being with him would only cause him pain. He drove me to the hospital, not speaking a word on the drive there. When we parked in the unloading zone a nurse walked out to us and started conversing with Carter in a hushed voice. Carter looked into the backseat of the car where I was laying and sighed. When the nurse went inside for a gurney, he reached in and scooped me up and into his arms. "Tyler," He looked into my eyes very seriously, "Promise me that you're not going to try and kill yourself, please. Just promise me. I can't lose you, it-it would just kill me," I looked into those sea green eyes and I pushed every thought from head. He couldn't hurt himself because of me. "Okay. I won't," I murmured before he pressed his lips, wet from his tears, to mine with a desperate sense of longing. I pulled away moments later gasping for breath, just before the nurse came back outside with the gurney. "Are you out of breath honey?" the nurse asked me as Carter laid me down on the soft sheets on the gurney. "We were talking and then I kissed Carter and I got winded," I managed to say after a few large gulps of air. 

      After three X-Rays the nurse and the doctor determined that my leg was broken in four places. They had told me that they needed to keep me in the hospital for three days for observation after they X-Ray-ed my leg. 

     When the nurse left the room, leaving a hospital gown on the stool in her place, Carter got up and closed the door. "Let's get you changed, Tyler," He said as he picked up the gown. "You know, I can't move," "I know that. Lift your arms," I lifted my arms and he pulled my hoodie off of my torso, leaving only my blood stained sports bra in it's place. I shivered as Carter's fingertips brushed the bare skin of my back as he tied the gown shut. "I'm going to take off your jeans now, okay?" "Okay..." "Deep breath... One... Two... THREE!" Carter tore my jeans down my legs as fast as he could, jostling my leg only once. I cried out in pain and clutched the bed-sheets to keep from slapping Carter across the face. "I know it hurts honey, I know," The nurse came in right then, with the doctor so they could cast my leg. Carter helped me slip the gown around my body before they started to get the plaster ready. When they had the bandages around my calf, they started to layer on the plaster. After the plaster was soaked through the first layer of bandages they put a white wrap around the plaster and the bandages. "How does it feel Tyler?" Dr. McCartneay asked me. "Fine," I replied. "Well we just need to do one more thing before we leave you alone for the night; We just need to feel around your stomach to make sure that there's no swelling or anything broken okay?" "Sure,"

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