Part Five:: Tyler (CONTINUED)

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Doctor McCartneay asked me to lift my gown and I did so without complaint. He started up at the elastic of my bra and went down, stopping just below my navel. "Hmm..." He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "What is is Doc?" Carter asked in a worried voice. "Tyler... When was your last menstrual cycle?" "Two and a half months ago," I already knew what he was going to say, I just acted shocked for Carter's benefit. "Well, it seems to me that you're at least ten weeks pregnant," Carter had his face in hands and he let out something that sounded very similar to a sob. "I'll leave you two alone to uh... Sort things out." And with that doctor McCartneay left the room. Carter got up off the chair beside the bed, helped me get under the covers, and slid under the covers with me. He took my hand and asked, "You knew, didn't you?" I looked up into his pleading eyes and I knew I couldn't lie to him anymore, "Yes," "Why didn't you tell me?" "I thought that you would be angry with me, and that you'd leave me, when I obviously need you more than ever at this point," Tears started streaming down my face as the guilt caught up with me. "Oh... Tyler, sweetheart, I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm not angry with you. I'm happy, and, just a little bit shocked. But I'm not angry, I promise," He pulled me against his chest as I started to bawl. After a while when I was cried out, Carter got up and told me he was going to get some coffee, and as he left I pressed the aid button on the hospital bed. "Do you need something sweetie? Are you hungry?" "Yeah, can order my boyfriend and I something to eat?" "Sure, what do you want?" "Six slices of mushroom pizza, two sides of ranch, chicken tenders, mac-and-cheese one cranberry juice and one dark-chocolate Frappuccino, three slices of raspberry cheesecake, and two packages of crackers," "Okay, I'll go get that in for you," When she left the room Carter walked back in, "Hungry?" He asked me, "Well, you know, I am eating for two," I retorted while he laid back down next to me. "Carter..." I was cutoff by the sound of knocking on the paneled wood of the door. Dr. McCartneay was standing there with ultrasound equipment. "May I come in and do a quick ultrasound, just to make sure that development with the fetus is going smoothly, and that your jump didn't compromise anything?" "Absolutely," Carter responded. The doctor came in and, by then, I knew the procedure, due to my previous three visits with my OB/GYN. Carter quickly walked over to the door, closed it, came back to the bed-side, and took hold of my hand. The doctor squirted the clear blue ECG gel onto my stomach, and rolled the monitor around it. The steady thrum of my baby's heart echoed through the monitor's speaker. "Well, nothing seems to be wrong, so, I'll just get you cleaned up a little bit... And there you go," And with that the doctor went to the door and left us looking at the photograph of our baby.

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