Chapter 1: Rebirth in the ashes

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It was a clear, sunny day in the city. Peaceful, majestic, and quiet. The calm before the storm.

A young yellow Autobot was scrambling across the streets, hurrying with a gleam in his small blue optic and a skip in his step. This Autobot was an adolescent Cybertronian, and even for an adolescent, he was small for his age. What he lacked size, however, he was made up in agility and speed. Skills that would become his assets in the eons of war to that he would be forced into.

He was a happy, youthful youngling. He smiled to any of the Autobots who waved to him. But he never stopped, he continued his journey across the city. He ran further and further into the city, approaching the heart of the small Autobot metropolis. Finally, he arrived to see a huge crowd surrounding the two sides of the streets. Murmurs and whispers were heard as the Cybertronians pushed forward to get a better view of the approaching figures.

Using his size as an advantage, the small Autobot weaved under the legs of the Autobot adults. He slipped between females and managed to squeeze between the large males. Finally, he made it to the front of the crowd. Smiling triumphantly at himself, he raised his optics on to the streets. His optics widened in amazement.

The sight was one that awed the entire crowd. In strutted large warriors in lines. Each colored and designed differently, all sharing the trademark Autobot symbol. Some carried hardened looks earned by the war, others smiled and waved to the Cybertronians in the crowd. Most stared straight ahead, thoughts clearly on matters more important than the parade there were currently participating in.

Most were carrying enormous arsenals of weapons on their backs, servos or hips.

These were the warrior Autobots, Cybertron's finest soldiers on the side of good. These were the ones who fought daily to keep Cybertron free, free from the Decepticon clutches.

All of them were living legends, Autobot celebrities. One in particular, was the tall red and blue Autobot leading the way in a majestic march. His optics never turned to the crowd that was watching him. They stared straight ahead with a strict but not unkind expression.

Murmurs ran across the crowd and the young yellow sparkling caught some bits of the chatter.

"That's him!"

"That's Optimus Prime!"

"He's Optimus Prime!"

"That's him alright!"


"He looks so serious!"

"He's so handsome!"

"He's has a sparkmate!"

"Yeah, the female commander."

"There she is!"

Just beside the Autobot commander strode a beautiful pink and silver female Autobot. Her stare was softer but just as serious and determined as her sparkmate. Her graceful gate and regal but kind air immediately won the admiration of the crowd. They now could see for themselves why she deserved the Prime's affection and devotion.

"They say they were together millions of years before he was made Prime!"

A few of the females in the crowd sighed:

"That's so romantic! She's so lucky!"

Next to the Prime strode a black old warhorse with huge cannons all over his arms and servos. He strutted proudly next to the calm, collected Prime. Next to him walked a light silvery blue female and a lean black and white male who many identified to be the second in command of the Autobot faction. Autobot warrior followed after each other. And the crowd continued to gaze upon the finest warriors on the Autobot part of the planet.

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