First Date Pt. 2

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     (Y/F/F) - Your favorite food
     (Y/F/D) - Your favorite drink

     You didn't feel like eating breakfast, so you just sat in your bed staring at nothingness. Your siblings let you be by yourself since they heard you cry yourself to sleep last night.
Why would he do that to me? You kept thinking.
     Your favorite sibling asked if you were ok before leaving, but you didn't feel like talking. They took that as a sign to leave you alone so they left.
     You heard a knock on the door, but you didn't bother doing anything. Whoever it was would just leave eventually, but they didn't.
      The mystery person opened the door and slowly walked over to your bed. You were on high alert at this point. Thinking it could be a monster, you pulled out the small dagger you kept under your pillow.
     Once this thing was close enough, you jumped out of bed and pinned it to the ground, ready to kill if you had too.
     "Woah, that was kinda hot."
     "That's my name don't wear it out."
     You immediately got off of him while blushing, but you remembered you were mad at him. That blush soon turned to anger.
     You turned around, facing away from Leo, trying to calm your breathing so you don't go all Hulk on him.
     Leo was still laying down waiting for your reaction. Next thing he knew there was a dagger in the ground not even an inch away from his head.
     To say Leo was scared was an understatement, he was about to piss his pants.
Gods, she's scary when she's mad! Leo thought.
     "(Y/N), please let me explain."
     "What is there to explain Leo? You left me standing at the Demeter cabin for almost a half an hour. You know how I felt about you. Why would you do that?"
     "There was an accident in Bunker 9. I was the only one who could stop it. I'm so sorry, (Y/N)."
     "Why didn't you come say something to me after you fixed everything?"
     "I came back to the Demeter cabin, but you weren't there so I came here and your siblings almost killed me. After I explained they said you were sleeping."
     "Yeah, so I was wondering if you would go on a date with me again tonight. Same time and place."
     "You won't hurt me again, right?"
     "Never, princessa."
     "Ok, Leo. This is your last chance. If you screw up I will personally castrate you and then drown you in the lake."
     Before he got a chance to say anything, you pushed him out the door.
     As soon as he was gone you did a little happy dance and got in the shower because you looked like pegasus crap.

Time Skip
Brought to you by Annabeth judo flipping Percy

     You walked over to the Demeter cabin, partially prepared to have your heart ripped out of your chest again. To your, half, surprise Leo was already standing there smiling at you.
     You were so relieved that he was already there.
     "Hey there princessa. You look gorgeous."
     "Thank you Leo."
     Leo led you behind the Demeter cabin and through a small patch of forest into a clearing.
     It was late at night so it was dark and you couldn't see anything, but the first thing you noticed was the lanterns hanging from the nearby trees. Then you noticed the blanket on the grass with a picnic basket next to it.
     "Oh, Leo, it's beautiful"
     "Not as beautiful as you."
     At this you blushed, hard.
"Gods Leo, you're so cheesy."
Leo then led you to the blanket and the both of you sat down.
     Leo pulled out (Y/F/F) and (Y/F/D) from the basket.
After you finished eating, Leo pulled out a few packets of seeds
What in the Hades are those for? You thought.
"I was talking to a few kids in the Demeter cabin about date ideas, but none of them seemed special enough. They kept giving me ideas until someone said 'seed bombing' and I was like that sounds like fun because bombs, but apparently it has nothing to do with bombs which is kinda a bummer but I thought it was special enough for you."
"Aww, Leo that's so sweet! How does 'seed bombing' work?"
"So, you just take a bunch of different types of seeds and throw them around a patch of dirt and just watch them grow. I thought it would be really cool because we could eventually show our kids and grandkids this huge garden that we started."
At this point Leo was smiling at you and you were pretty much a puddle at his feet.
"Kids!!! Leo, this is just our first date. Let's slow things down a bit, ok?"
Leo gives you those adorable puppy dogs eyes, but mumbles a fine.
Leo hands you a couple packets of seeds and keeps a few for himself. You realize that there aren't names of flowers on the packets.
"Leo, why are there no labels on the packets?"
"The Demeter kids told me that it will be a surprise once they grow."
"Oh, ok."
You and Leo agreed that on the count of three would you both throw them in the air so they land naturally and have plenty of space.
The seeds went flying in the air and landed all around you.
After a few seconds of silence Leo turned to you and said...
"That was kinda anticlimactic."
At this you both started laughing.
"Well, do you wanna go prank the Apollo cabin?"
"Of course! Why would you even ask?"

A/N: So that was part 2 of the first date. I dunno what to say next so...I'll post soon I guess. Also, I know that like no one reads this story, but if you see this you can request something.

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