I'm Working

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Gods, I'm so bored! Let me go find somebody to give me attention.
I decide to walk to bunker 9 to find my boyfriend Leo.
I had a nice peaceful walk. I saw a few nymphs making flower crowns, and they let me join. So now I got a super cool flower crown.
I got to bunker 9, and I found Leo working at his desk. It looked like he had been working for a while now because he had quite a few papers on the ground. He was looking pretty tired and worn out too. Knowing Leo, though, he hasn't taken a break and won't anytime soon.
Leo notices me standing there and says, "Oh hey babe. I didn't see you there."
"Leo, how long have you been working?"
He knows he's in deep shit now. "Umm...about four days."
"What the fuck Leo. I know you probably haven't eaten or drank anything."
"I had a string cheese and an apple juice y/n."
"That's nothing."
"But babe I'm working."
"Since you said you're almost done, I'll just sit on your lap."
I go to sit on his lap before he can say anything. I sit on lap quietly while he works around me.
I start to get bored, so I gently grind onto him. He stopped working and dropped his pencil. I did it again, and this time he started breathing a little heavy.
     "Y/n. Stop. I need to work."
     I started to grind on him a little harder, and Leo let out a little groan. He started to kiss your neck.
     I got up and turned so you were facing him. I sat back down on him and started kissing him. He grabbed my waist and tried pulling me closer. He grabbed my hair and tilted my head so he had better access to me neck.
     Leo was licking and biting and sucking my neck while I was grinding on him. The whole time I was letting out little whimpers and small moans.
     Before this makeout could get any further, I stopped cause this wasn't a good place to do anything at. Anybody could walk in at anytime.
    Leo and I got up and started making our way towards camp. We had a nice walk and when we got back I made Leo eat a shit ton at dinner. We went to sleep in his bed, and may or may not have finished what we started.

Ok so hi. I'm back. I got a really encouraging comment a couple days ago so I decided to start writing again since I'll have more time in the summer. Thank you to that person that commented I really appreciate it.


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