Day 1

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Well, we got to the camp and went though the normal stuff. Rules and where we can and can't go, nothing new. We chose our beds. Catherine and I didn't get put together. I'm underneath Sara, so...yeah. Her and I get along fine, but I'm not to fond of most of the girls here. First thing I do is listen to one of the new girls, Lauren, playing the piano. I should tell you, that thing needed to be tuned. But she could play pretty well. So I got out my guitar and sat next to her for about an hour. Mrs. Joni told us to “take a break,” so I went down to the dock with my drawing pad. Lauren fallowed me down there, no big deal. As I was sitting down there I couldn't draw anything, so I gave up and went up to the kitchen. I can draw, don't get me wrong. But not like Carolynn could. She can draw life like things. I stick more to the symbols.

When I got into the kitchen, or the dining hall, what ever you want to call it, I sat down and talked to Mr. Rob. We started talking about religion, went to Carolynn, then to music, then back to religion. It was a pretty interesting conversation. But, I can't get the feeling out of my head that this is going to be boring. When ever I try to talk to people, they push me off, ignore me. Pisses me off. But when somethings wrong, everyone wants to make sure I'm okay. Why? No clue. Probably because they're nosy. As I'm typing this up, I'm sitting on the porch. Alone. With my laptop. Everyone is in the dining hall, playing, having fun. But, when I try to play everyone always says no. Even Isabella is playing something...

I miss someone to. And if you're reading this you know who you are. Every time I look at this ring he got me, I smile. Every time I look at my desktop, I see the picture of us that he took. I have probably said his name at least twenty times in the short time we've been here. *sigh. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it to...

I'm waiting for snack time, which should be around 8:30, so I can take my pills and go to sleep. Tomorrow we are going to an army base, and taking a tour. I hope it's not as hot as last year. Last year I almost passed out. That's not to good. Wednesday we are going to Splash in the Burrow, a water park, so we are going to stay busy this week. They said the first real day we get to go tubing will probably be Thursday. But I know that we're going to tube tomorrow.

And I take back the even Isabella thing. She just walked into the dining hall annoying Mrs. Joni. She has thrown me over the edge to the point I picked something back up that I'm not proud of. Well I didn't pick it back up, but since she's been here, I have had the strongest desire...To do what? You may ask. Nothing I'm admitting to. Only one person knows what really happened. I'm keeping it that way.  

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