Day 18

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 Today I feel shit. I still feel like I'm going to puke. I sat near the trash can last, just for about 10 minuets. But, let me tell you three people I just can't stand anymore. Carolann, Lauren, and Alisha. Carolann is being a total bitch. She is turning against people who used to be her friends, saying mean things to me, budding her nose into other peoples shit. She said the other night that she was mad about finding out who her real friend were. She's the one that's two face. Lauren. She's starting shit with people. Earlier in the cabin Marie and I were talking about people at Tattnall and Lauren said something about Anthony. She keeps trying to be like Marie, and she got Marie's poems taken away because she was being nosy and and was listening to a conversation about wicken stuff. She's telling people that Marie is turning other people against her. Marie is so pissed off, it's not even funny. Let's just say that we have warned her about getting on Marie's bad side. It's pretty much the worst thing she could do. I'm just watching and waiting to see what ends up happening. What's in her future? No clue. Then Alisha because she's starting a bunch of drama, in the quiet way.

Let me just way that I have a really bad feeling right now. Why? I have my suspicions. But, I wanted to let you know that before anything really happens.

WHAT THE FUCK DO PEOPLE NOT UNDERSTAND?!! I am so fucking close to the edge to doing something stupid. I am so fucking close to taking a pair of tweezers, my necklace, a pencil, and what ever else I can get a hold of, and just.... You know. Even Mrs. Joni is pissing me off. She's in a shitty mood 24-7 and Mrs. Beth is on Lauren's side. Mr. Chris feels bad for Lauren, so he's not getting her in trouble, and all the fucking drama!!!!!! I just want to go home. I want to be able to stay in my room, and be by myself. This is all just to much. All the drama, the stupid shit houseparents start arguments over, the fights, the he said she said, the stealing. I am done with it. Only two more days, Crystal, two more days. I hope I can last that long. I have gone almost the full 3 weeks, without doing anything. But, for those three weeks, I have been on the verge. I have been to the point of doing something I'll regret since some shit Isabella started with me almost two months ago. Stefan kept me from doing it twice while at this camp. Marie and Lauren getting at it doesn't help me either, because I'm getting pulled into it. Alisha and Carolann doesn't help because, as I said earlier, Carolann puts her nose in Alisha's business, gets pissed off, then pisses other people off. That's the main things. I'm just tire of all of this shit. I'm tired of camp; and I'm tired of Georgia.

Matt, where are you with my saxophone? I thought I ordered a beating two weeks ago.  

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