First Kiss

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My first class was math, way to start the day. When I walked in there was Crawford and he made eye contact with me. "Hey Lizzie come sit with me" he said. I took my seat and then he started talking. "Hey Lizzie I know I dont know you that much but..... I was wondering if you... would like to be my girlfriend?" I didnt know what to say and I didnt know that much ether and I didnt want to hurt his feelings. "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend!" I said "I was wondering if you wanted to meet up with me at the park later?" he said " Yes ill meet you at 4 then" "Ok" he said


                       *After School*

I was at the park waiting for Crawford and then I herd foot steps behind me. I turned and hoping it was Craford but, it wasnt it was a girl. "Hi my Name is Ashley and I herd your going on a date with Crawford." "Yeah I am why are you asking me" "Oh I just wanted to tell you to stay away from him hes mine!" "I dont have to lisen to you, he didnt ask you out he asked me out not you so stay away from me!!" "Fine im just going to worn you ounce if you kiss him you will be sorry!" She just walked away and then I started to cry because this is how I got bullied last time was because j boy asked me out and I said yes and the girl made my life a living hell! Then I herd the sweetist voice that I was waiting to here. "Oh my god Lizzie what happend!" "This girl named Ashley said for me to back off because she said she wants you all to her self!" I said sobing. "Dont lisen to her shes a hoe any way, she dated all the boys in the school exsept me" "Well what do you want to do" I asked him. When he said that he leaned in, I didnt know what to do because I never kissed before then thats when I backed away. Why did I do that your so stupid Lizzie Mae Smith!! "Why did you back away?" He asked. "Crawford I never had my first kiss and I dont know what to do" "Oh well its my first kiss to because I wanted to wait for the right one and your the right one" I started to blush alot I was so amazed the way he was treating me because a boy never treated me this way. Then thats when I leaned in and then our lips met. It was so magical I had butterflys in my stomach.  Then our lips moved slowly and then it got heated and then Crawford was on top of me and then he tried to take off my shirt and thats when I stoped. "Crawford what are you doing?!" I asked "Oh Lizzie I didnt mean to do that im so sorry im so stupid!" he said sadly " "Crawford its ok its just that I want to wait for a couple years and maybe if we are still together we can do it if we are voth ready will that be ok with you?" I asked "Thats a good idea Lizzie" " Well I have to get home Crawford" I said and then I kissed his lips for 10 secpends. "Hey Lizzie, I love you!" he said with a smile on his face. "I love you to Crawford see you tomarrow at school!"

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