I woke up to the sound of someone saying, "Jessica, wake up" and to the feeling of someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw that it was my best friend, Kyle. "It's our first day of school today" Kyle said smiling a bit. I groaned and turned the other way, "Leave me alone" I complained. Kyle sighed, "You know I can't. Your mother made me promise that I'd make you go to school and protect you in return for letting me live here. Besides, you'll get to see your best friends today" He said. I pouted, "I know, I know. It doesn't make getting up for school any easier though" I said then turned to face him again. "Mind helping me up?" I asked as I extended an arm. Kyle smiled and grabbed my hand, "Not at all" He said and easily pulled me up with his supernatural strength.
Oh yeah, I completely forgot to mention. Kyle is a werewolf and also my best friend of fifteen years. We knew each other ever since we were little babies so we'd been through a lot together. Sadly, his parents died a year and a half ago so he's been living with us ever since; in fact, he even sleeps in the same bed as me. I'm surprised my mom even allows me to sleep with a boy but I guess she doesn't think he's man enough to make a move on me. Ha-ha, just kidding; he's actually extremely good-looking and muscular. He's not body-builder muscular which is good because guys that are too muscular are nasty, at least in my opinion. But besides his good looks and nice body, I see him as nothing more than my best friend. Girls try to flirt with him all the time though but he never flirts back which is pretty surprising because he likes to flirt with me a lot. Oh well, I guess that's just a perk of being his best friend.
Oh, and you must be wondering, why am I okay with hanging out with a werewolf? Well that's because I'm also a werewolf, or at least I will be one in the future. I haven't undergone my transformation yet. Guys usually undergo their transformation between the ages ten or eleven by their selves, which totally sucks for them because I heard it's really painful. Girls, however, undergo their transformation between the ages seventeen and eighteen. I'm currently fifteen which means I have a few years to go. I'm pretty nervous but also excited at the same time. It's cool because once I go through my transformation, I'll be super strong and fast. I'll also be able to transform into a werewolf anytime I want without it hurting. Oh, and the best part is, each werewolf gets a special power bonus such as mind reading, telekinesis, etc.
Kyle has the power to hypnotize people, which is pretty cool because he can get away with doing whatever he wants without having to get in trouble. He doesn't like using it though, especially on me, because he says it's wrong to control people's minds but I'm still able to convince him to use it sometimes. Either way, I'm lucky to have him as a best friend. Oh, and another thing I forgot to mention is that werewolves are naturally warm to the touch which is good during the winter time because I can cuddle with him and know he'll keep me warm but during summer, it's not so much a good thing. Anyways, I'm pretty sure I'm boring you all to death so let's continue on with the story of my life.
I looked up at him and smiled a bit, "Thanks" I said then walked into the bathroom and did what I needed too then walked into the room we shared, though it was mostly mine, and began undressing. Kyle opened the door, "Hey Jes-" He stopped when he saw me in my underwear and stared at me for a few seconds before blinking a few times and clearing his throat. "Anyways, what do you want for breakfast?" He asked like nothing happened. I blushed deeply and threw my pajamas at his face, "Get out, now!" I yelled, extremely embarrassed. Kyle shrugged, "I'll just make pancakes then" He said and closed the door but before he did, I noticed a slight smirk on his face. I walked up to the door and locked it then picked up my pajamas. "I swear, he can be such a jerk sometimes. What a pervert he is, staring at me half-naked" I thought blushing as I put my clothes for school on.
After putting my clothes on and doing my hair and make-up, I walked out of the room and went into the kitchen to see Kyle making pancakes. "I was in the mood for a cheese omelet with bacon" I said pouting a bit as I say down. "Well you should've said that when I asked you what you wanted for breakfast earlier instead of kicking me out of the room" Kyle said smiling as he cooked. I pouted, "You walked in on me half-naked, of course I'd kick you out of the room" I said. He chuckled and brought two plates of pancakes over and set them down on the table before patting my head. "Aww, it's okay, don't be shy. You looked good, don't worry" He said smirking a bit. I glared at him, "You're lucky you don't have anywhere else to live otherwise I would've kicked you out of the house already" I said. He just smiled, "Oh really, you'd actually kick your best friend in the whole world who also protects you out of your house?" He asked.
I pretended to think about it then smiled back and hugged him, "No, you know I'm just playing around with you" I said then pulled away when I realized that I was sweating. "You and your unnecessarily hot skin really annoy me sometimes" I said pouting as I began eating. He smirked and also began eating. "Yet you can't help but love me" He said smirking. "Its times like these when I wonder why I do" I murmured then continued. "What did you say?" He asked. "Nothing" I said though I knew he heard me clearly. "I have super hearing you know" He said. "Yes I know" I said then we had a nice conversation before heading to school.
Alright, that's the end of chapter 1! I really hope you guys enjoyed it. I'll be updating very soon so don't worry about having to wait too long. :) Anyways, bye-bye for now! ~Zoey~