As Kyle and I walked up the steps to school, it made me realize that I actually kinda missed this place. Though I hated doing work and pretending that I was paying attention to the teacher talking, I got to spend the day with my bff's. Not to mention, there were quite a large amount of good looking guys to look at. Anyways, after walking into school we went straight into the gym to get out schedules.
"What class do you have now?" Kyle asked me as we walked away with our schedules in hand. "I have English in Room 2A" I said. "Cool, me too" He said. Every year, no whatever what school we went to, we always managed to have the same first period class together and almost every other class. It's like the school knows we're bff's and wants us to be in the same classes together.
I'm not complaining though; I like having him around since he keeps me from being bored with his stupid, yet funny, jokes. I was going to ask him a question when I heard someone yelling my name from behind me. I turned around to see that it was Haley and that she was running towards me but before I could do anything, I found myself being hugged to death by her.
"Jessica, it's so good to see you!" She exclaimed happily and gave a little wave to Kyle who just smiled and waved back. "Well you won't be seeing much of me if you don't stop squeezing me to death" I said, a little out of breath. She pulled away and looked at me, "Sorry" She said smiling apologetically. "It's okay" I said then smiled, "How was your summer?" I asked.
"It was amazing; I got to go to Italy and France and England and I met some cute boys along the way. Two of them actually gave me their numbers, I think I might call them to see if they're still interested" She said happily. I giggled, "It sounds like you had a really fun time there" I said smiling. Haley nodded, "Yeah, I did. So how was yours?" She asked.
"Well it wasn't as fun or exciting as yours but Kyle and I managed to make the best of it" I said smiling. "That's good. Who knows? Maybe next year you two can come with us" Haley said smiling. "Yeah, maybe" I said as we walked into class only to see a super attractive guy sitting at the front of the class looking a bit lost.
"Woah, hottie alert" Haley and I both said at the same time, not able to keep our eyes off of him. The new kid looked at us both then glared at Kyle before looking away. I looked at Kyle to see that he was glaring back at him. "Hey, is everything okay?" I asked him. Kyle didn't respond but instead took my hand and pulled me away from the classroom.
"Hey, wait up!" Haley said and walked quickly in order to catch up with us. "What's going on? Where are you taking me?" I asked Kyle as he dragged me along to wherever he was going. "I'll let you know when we get far enough away from the classroom" Kyle said, not looking back at me. Lucy walked up to us in the hallway and waved, "Hey guys" She said but Kyle just mumbled a hi and walked by her.
Lucy raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off and followed us. "Where are you guys going?" She asked. "I have no idea" Haley said back. Once we were at the end of the hallway, Kyle opened us an empty classroom and we all walked in before closing and locking the door behind us. "Okay, can you please tell me why you dragged me across the hallway only to bring me in a classroom that no one uses anymore?" I asked Kyle, putting my hands on my hips.
"That 'hottie' that you saw in class is a vampire" Kyle said seriously. I looked at him for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter as Haley and Lucy joined me. "Guys, it's not funny. I'm being serious. Vampires and werewolves can sense each other from miles away. I know what a vampire smells like and he definitely smelled like one" Kyle said.
Haley and I gave him looks of disbelief while Lucy looked happy for some reason. "So vampires are actually real? That means my dreams of dating a vampire can come true" She said happily. "Umm, I wouldn't do that if I were you. If he loses control of his blood thirst for even a second, you'll be dead on the floor before you can say uncle" Kyle said.
"Well I'm sure he has his blood thirst completely under control if he's going to a school full of humans" Lucy said. "Okay, guys, let's get back on track here. Let's just say he actually is a vampire, what's the big deal? And why'd you guys glare at each other earlier?" I asked. "Vampires and werewolves have been fighting for centuries and basically hate each other's guts.
Besides that, they all have the power to read minds so be careful with what you're thinking about when he's around. Whatever you do, don't let it slip that you and Haley are descendents of werewolves. If he's here to start problems with us werewolves, I don't want you two to be involved in it" He said then looked at Lucy. "And you, don't hang around with him. I'm sorry but your dream of dating a vampire can't ever happen. Understood?" He asked her.
Lucy pouted but nodded. "Good" He said then looked back at Haley and I. "The same goes for you two. Understood?" He asked. I sighed and nodded, "Yes sir" I said then looked at Haley who also nodded. Kyle smiled and ruffled my hair, "Good, now let's get back to class" He said and was about to open the door when he remember something and turned back around.
He pulled a bracelet out of his pocket and put it on my wrist for me. "I want you wear this at all times. It'll prevent him from being able to read your mind" He said. I looked at it and smiled, "Thanks" I said. "Anything to keep my bestfriend safe" He said grinning then wrapped an arm around my shoulder as we walked out of the classroom.
"They seriously need to go out with each other" Haley said loud enough for only Kyle to hear. Lucy nodded, "Agreed" She said then closed the classroom door behind her and they began following Kyle and Jessica. "Maybe one day" Kyle said out loud. "Maybe one day what?" I asked. "Nothing" He said then we walked the rest of the way to class in silence.