October 9, 2014

277 22 0

~It's been 4 FUCKING YEARS

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~It's been 4 FUCKING YEARS.  I want to go home.  I want to take pictures.  EVERY FUCKING WEEK they tell me the same fucking thing "You'll be out in a week." Why do they keep lying to me?  Is it because they don't know when I'm going to be done?  They don't know what's wrong with me? They say if I leave I'll die.  Well then fuck it.  I'll die.  I think living a little and dying quicker is better than living longer and being so bored I end up killing myself.  I want to see my friends, I want to smile.  I want out.  I'm leaving.  I don't care what they say.  Fuck the doctors.  Fuck all of this.  I'm out of this shithole they call a hospital~

~~Rocky Photography~~

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