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Moonbin sat, his back against the wall as Min Hyuk laid down, his head resting on Moonbin's lap.  Moonbin rolled his fingers through Rocky's soft hair while Rocky poked at his phone, choosing pictures to put on his transcript. 

It was comfortably silent for quite some time.  When Min Hyuk finished he sat his phone down on a coffee table beside the hospital bed where he laid.  Min Hyuk sat up on Moonbin's lap and stuffed his face in his neck.  Moonbin kissed his head and asked softly "Do you think you'll get in?"
He rubbed Min Hyuk's back as Min Hyuk shook his head, then asked "Why?"
Min Hyuk said, his voice mumbled against Moonbin's neck "I'm sick..  They won't want me."
"If you're that good, it won't matter."
Min Hyuk sat there, silently.  Moonbin whispered, gently against Min Hyuk's ear "I love you, and I think you're an amazing photographer."
Min Hyuk smiled and looked up at Moonbin who pressed his lips against Min Hyuks.  Their kiss was deep and passionate.

Min Hyuk looked up at Moonbin and smiled more "I love you too."
Moonbin gave Min Hyuk a short sweet kiss.  Min Hyuk gave Moonbin another short kiss and they sat and gazed in each others eyes.  Moonbin muttered "You are cute.."
He covered his face in sweet kisses and Min Hyuk giggled "Moonbin!!"
Moonbin kept kissing his face until Min Hyuk begged him to stop.  Once Moonbin stopped Min Hyuk nuzzled his head back in the side of Moonbin's neck.  Min Hyuk mumbled "I love you so much..  Please don't leave me..  Ever."
Moonbin kissed his head and muttered "I would never."

Min Hyuk stayed quiet for quite some time.  Moonbin could feel his breath gently hit against his neck.  Moonbin quietly asked "Are you asleep?"
When Min Hyuk didn't answer, Moonbin knew he was asleep.

Moonbin grabbed his phone and searched through his apps when he saw one in paticular.  He remembered Min Hyuk telling him that this is where he stored his photos ever since he took his first photo.  Moonbin pressed into that app.  He wanted to see Min Hyuk's photos, just to prove how good he is at photography.  When the app opened he saw a specific album entitled

Journal Entries

Moonbin decided to press on it and chose to look at the pictures oldest to newest in order to see his pictures improve.  I'll probably never finish looking at these.  He thought as he looked through the pictures, starting with the first one.

The Photo Gallery ( MoonRock ) { COMPLETED }Where stories live. Discover now