1. The Angel's Mistress

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Japanese Denim - Daniel Caesar

Hey people. I'm not dead lol

It's been like a year I suck, I know but here it is... not to be confused it starts off the same as the origional chapter one but changed a bit now that i have a ~direction~

Thank you for all the support!





After Gabriel's extremely eventful birthday weekend in his parents' home in the Hamptons, we don't leave our apartment for three days. Whether it was making up for lost time, or erasing all of the other men that had touched my skin and replacing that with the feeling of Gabriel, we couldn't let go of each other.

The sex, aside from the amazing, mind-blowing experience, brought a new side of our relationship to light. It was all foreign, but at the same time... brought on a sense of déjà-vu.

It's slightly disorienting, but I love every moment of it.

I lose myself to his touch, and pure bliss becomes a constant state of being. Everything is erased and we build our own little world, just for the two of us and I relearn who my Gabriel is. There are so many things I had forgotten...

He kisses my shoulder softly, rubbing a hand lazily up and down my spine, and sighing. We lay side by side, staying warm under the sheets, and I feel myself sink further into the bed I missed so much. I let my eye close and press my back further into Gabriel's front. He moves his hand from its path along my side to my front, letting his arm encase my waist.

"I missed this. I missed you", he says suddenly, not letting his voice go above a whisper. The silence hangs in the air after he speaks and I turn onto my front. He moves backward slightly and his hand wanders again.

"Me too", I respond, moving my lips to touch his own. He accepts hungrily and that wandering hand of his moves the sheets off my torso, exposing my bare chest and moving down my stomach. He positions himself on top of me and I watch amazed, as the morning light highlights his hair, and his dimples show as he smiles seductively. I can barely remember the rest of the afternoon as my mind clouds with bliss. I feel is hands everywhere, craving more, more, more.

We finally break apart after hours. It's night and the city lights spread out into the darkness. I sit up, admiring the view and everything I lost. I steal sheets from the bed, wrapping them around my body as I move closer to the window. I feel the chill of the night through the thick glass, and placing my hand against the pane, I look below, a bit nervous by the distance to the ground.

I stand still momentarily, overwhelmed by a sense of gratefulness. I feel so lucky to have escaped everything alive. But then it's back in a moment, that underlying darkness that has haunted me ever since... ever since I was gone. I've become good at blocking out the horrific memories and burying them as deep as I can. It's one of the only reasons why I'm still breathing.

"What are you thinking about?" Gabriel asks from our bed.

"Nothing, just admiring the view." I move to stand by the foot of the bed and he smiles lazily, staring at me in the way that makes my fucking heart stop.

I bite my lip, focusing on the slant of his jaw and his chiseled torso.

"I have to go back to work tomorrow", he sighs suddenly, running a hand through his messy hair. I pout, and crawl back on the bed, admiring his naked body. I drop the sheet from around my body so I'm sitting bare.

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