The Tutor || Pilot

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Your breathing became heavy as you approached the doors of your new school. A rugged old place it was, with disheveled bricks and ivy that grew up the walls. Yet, it gave off friendly, welcoming vibes. You took a step inside and the sound it made bounded off of the walls in all directions. It was quiet, a rather perfect place to study math. You opened your class schedule that the principal had given you a week prior. Class 3B was the only class listed. You made your way down the hallway, admiring the bland walls and the lockers that clung to them. You had almost found your classes' hallway when your quiet walk was interrupted by a distant giggle. You stopped. A little boy made his way around the corner carrying a jump rope.
"Hi! My names Timothy! You wanna play with me?", the young boy asked sweetly.
You didn't want to be rude, and besides you loved children! You decided to let him down easy. You stooped to Timothy's height.
"Look, I would love to play bu-", you began.
"Yay!", Timothy giggled with glee.
"Shit", you thought, staring down at the happy little boy before you. You needed to let him down or else you would be late to class.
"-but I really need to be getting to class right about now", you finished.
Timothy looked utterly defeated. His cute little smile turned into a frown. Tears filled his big brown eyes.
"W-why doesn't anyone want to play with me? What's wrong with me?", Timothy asked as he sniffled.
He was now in full on tears. You reached out your hand and placed it on Timothy's shoulder.
"I will play with you later, okay?", you promised as you wiped away a rolling tear from his face.
"Okay!", Timothy responded to the promise, wiping at his running nose.
The bell rang just then. Christ, you were late to your first ever class here. What a scholar. You stood up from the boy and faced towards the hallway you needed to go down.
"See you later buddy!", you called to Timothy as you rushed down a random hallway.
Your meeting with Timothy had disoriented you. You became lost within the school. The hallways seemed almost endless, with every twist and turn you found yourself more and more confused. You began to sprint down them frantically searching for class 3B. Finding the class was a life or death situation. As you made your way down one of the hallways, a man jumped out in front of you, startling the hell out of you and making you trip over yourself in order to stop. He was a familiar face. The one that had given you your schedule.
"Ah y/n. First day of school and your already breaking one of the most highly held rules.", the principal stated as he stood arms folded in front of you.
God damnit. You forgot that 'running in the halls' was such a big deal here. Fuck.
"I'm sorry sir, I totally forgot. I-I just was looking for class 3B and I met a little kid named Timothy and the bell rang..", you stammered.
"Oh, my daughter timothy! Yeah, she's a weird little fucker, ain't she?", the principal casually said.
Damn, you were in utter shock. Not only was the principal busting your ass over running in the halls on your first day, he was also roasting his 6 year old daughter. Yeah, that's right, daughter. That girl was so damn ugly and had such a weird voice, you thought it was a boy. Guess you shouldn't assume genders.
"Yeah, I guess so. Anyways, could you direct me to class? I promise I won't run in the halls again.", you uttered.
"It's just down the hall", the principal said as he pointed down the corridor.
You gave him a quick shrug before walking towards your class. Before you could get further he placed his hand on your shoulder.
"If you run in the halls again, I will put your dumb ass in detention, 'kay?", he jabbered, putting his finger up accusingly.
You gave him a quick nod and quickly walked down the hallway to your class. When you reached it, you peered through the glass window at the man who would be teaching you math. Hot damn, he was sexy. With his shiny bald head and his plump red lips, this man made your mouth water. You opened the door sheepishly, looking at your teacher as he stood in the front of the classroom before a class of about 20 other kids.
"Hi", you mumbled as you grimaced at the class.
"You must be y/n.", your teacher said, "It's very nice to meet you. My name is Mr. Basik. But you can just call me Baldi."
What the fuck? Baldi Basik? Is he in the witness protection program or some shit? Also, since when did teacher go by first names? You were about to sit down when his pretty red lips parted once more.
"Before you do that, do you mind explaining to us why you were late today?", Baldi asked.
Great. He's an asshole. What an incredible turnoff. Alas, you straightened out your back and faced the eager faces of the class. You cleared your throat.
"I was walking down the hallway, and the principals daughter Timothy distracted me. I then became lost within the hallways and had a quick chat with the principal.", you recited.
Baldi stared at you with his intensely beady black eyes, like he was expecting more from you.
"So yeah. That's why I'm late today", you urged, as you looked up at the now angry Baldi.
"Never heard that excuse", Baldi murmured as he reached for the ruler that was resting on his desk, "Class, do you know what we do to liars?", he proclaimed.
"We hit them with rulers", the kids mumbled harmoniously.
Your eyes grew wide. What kind of school is this? Then you remembered. Your in fucking Texas. Hitting children at school is legal here. You nervously eyed Baldi, seeing the grin spread across his pore-less face.
"But not to new kids. Sit down y/n", Baldi murmured as he motioned towards a shitty school desk and chair combination contraption.
You plopped your ass down and stared at Baldi. Such confidence, such dominance. You wondered where he got it. Was he hit with a ruler as a kid? You didn't know, and quite honestly you didn't care to know at the moment. All that mattered was the fact that your teacher used corporal punishment. Shit, he might do worse than that! You'd have no idea until you witnessed it. You looked around at the students in the classroom and noticed their unblinking zombie like stares as they stared at their teacher. Just then you had a completely shocking revelation. Not only was this going to be a long school day, but also a long ass school year.

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