Salt is a drug

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Some people say, we have been using it for a long long time, its revered and thought to be sacred in some cultures. So have Drugs, Violence, cruel rituals and prostitution, just because something has been used by cultures for a long time or is seen as sacred doesn't necessarily mean its a great thing. Using common sense looking from as many angles as possible while paying attention to Natures design works every time!

When you really think! we started Tilling the earth and digging up Tubers, Harvesting Grains and cooking our food?

Truth is less than 1% of our time on the earth, we have been eating whole fresh ripe raw foods which didn't really require anything to "pep" them up! Eating seasonally from the abundance nature has to offer in our ideal habitat the need to Store, preserve, Pickle is basically Nil.

Moving outside of our natural environment has in part caused us to degrade over to a Comparatively Bland Diet made up of Cooked Starches and Meats, adding Salt makes that otherwise relitively Bland food Taste good!

The Hook is The more Salt you use the more Hooked you become to using it. The processed food industry uses this to their advantage, more so in the past before people knew the dangers of a High salt diet. Most processed foods are high in some form of salt and some form of Sugar, usually the cheapest one that the public accepts. The nature of these foods is to stimulate while under delivering on Nutrients, creating a "need" to eat more and more and more.

"Well well well Growing up Salt is looked at and called "the Spice of Life", we should "Take all with a Grain of Salt", its been revered and deemed of great value for Literal Ages! When we look at the properties, effects and supposed benefits of salt its no wonder why its played such a large role in our history. From the many varieties of "sea Salt" to Mined "rock salts" all of different character and colour Salt has been Used to Preserve, Pickle, Dry, and Stimulate the tastebuds!

SALT is the common name for sodium chloride or table salt. We hear much today about the need to reduce our salt intake in order to improve our health, especially to reduce hypertension in "salt-sensitive" people. But as more people begin to accept the idea that too much salt is unhealthy, the belief persists even among healthcare professionals that the human body requires some daily salt intake for health. This belief is false and dangerous, as this article will explain. Although the human body requires sodium as a micronutrient, which is available naturally in sufficient amounts in unsalted food, it has no need for any sodium chloride whatsoever. Salt is not a nutrient—it is a drug that poisons the body! More over what ever little requirement the body has, it is formed inside intestine when sodium bicarbonate react with remains of hydro chloric acid resulting into formation of carbon dioxide gas and salt as sodium chloride.

Approximately 80% of our salt consumption comes from sodium chloride added to our food by manufacturers before it even reaches our table. Sodium chloride contains two elements, sodium and chlorine. There are many poisonous drugs that also contain sodium, such as sodium fluoroacetate (rat poison), sodium hydroxide (lye), and sodium hypochlorite (bleach). Fortunately, we are not in the habit of sprinkling our food with these poisons in order to provide our body with needed sodium.

Unfortunately, we make an exception with sodium chloride. As a drug, sodium chloride is also poisonous to the body, but because this drug has been used as an antibiotic for centuries to preserve food, we have grown accustomed to its use.

Sodium chloride is an ionic compound that is synthesized when oppositely charged atoms or ions of sodium and chloride join together through an electrostatic ionic bond. More ionic bonds are formed as additional sodium ions and chloride ions attach to sodium chloride, building up a salt crystal lattice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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