My Religion

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NOT MY STORY! On archiveofourown by Impala_Dreamer.

Reworking of Season 13 Episode 6 (when Castiel returns from the empty)


The drive there was almost impossible.

Dean couldn't focus on the road. White lines blurred in the edges of his vision, street lamps became starbursts on the glass. He gripped the wheel, pushed down on the gas, trying to keep the Impala steady, but it was hard to remember how to drive. It was hard to remember how to breathe, how to sit in that old leather seat and fly over the miles.

All he could think of was Cas.

He still couldn't believe it. He had prayed so hard, fought so long, and out of nowhere a phone call... a simple phone call. An unknown number, Cas's voice... it was too much. The darkness on his heart told him not to get his hopes up; it could be a trick, some evil prank, some trap to stop him for good.

But he had to hope.

Dean turned his face to the window as a tear fell. He'd been so careful to hold them back until then, but it was getting harder to see. Sam noticed the quick movement and cleared his throat.

"I'm sure he's..." Sam stalled, unsure of what to say.

"Yeah," Dean whispered as his knuckles cleared the wetness from his cheek.

And silence fell once more.

There was a gleem to everything after the rain.

The Impala shone in the dark, each raindrop on her black paint catching the neon signs and street lights as they rode down the alleyway. They splashed through puddles and disturbed a few oil spills, but the tires were true, and Dean could see the end.

He parked and shut the engine, but for a long moment could not bring himself to let go of the wheel. He stared out the window, unbelieving eyes locked on the figure some yards away. A mess of black hair, the old tan trench coat; but still he couldn't let himself relax.

Pebbles on the pavement crunched under his boots. The door creaked as he shoved it closed. His breath seemed so loud in his ears, competing with the rapid drum of his heart.

"Cas, is that really you?" His voice sounded strange, the air felt heavy as he sucked it in.

Castiel nodded as he stepped forward.

"No, you're... you're dead." Sam spoke up, just as shocked as Dean.

"Yeah, I-I was..." Cas answered, shrugging slightly, his voice deep and familiar. "But then I... annoyed an ancient cosmic being so much that he sent me back."

If there was more, Dean couldn't follow it. Cas walked towards them, explaining to Sam what had happened to him, but Dean was locked in the moment. He felt like he was moving through mercury. The world seemed strange, his vision was blurry. He felt every muscle, every cell inside of him, as if his blood was alive and screaming as if flowed through the rivers of his veins.

Next to Dean, Sam let out a shocked laugh, his eyes darting around in amazement. "I don't even know what to say."

Cas paused, but Dean took a step, his mind and heart finally catching up with each other. It was Cas. He was real. He was alive.

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