Chapter 1: She WAS my EVERYTHING

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Jordan's POV

"Joydan, we discussed this yesterday. I told your ass to be ready at 10."

"Nigga shut the hell up. Think Like a Man Too don't start til' 11, and the theatre is two streets over. Besides, pure beauty takes time."

"If you say so."

"Well you see for yourself, then. How do I look?" She stood in front of the tv blocking Martin clowning on Pam once again.

She modeled a black high and low wrap skirt, a white crop top with JOYDAN in red, a distressed no sleeve bleached denim vest, with the retro red and black J's and her box braids in a top knot.

"You look good. Now c'mon," I lied she looked so much better than good. Joydan Janell Johnson looked sexy as fuck. She's been my best friends since diapers. I've had feelings for her since I was 16. Now I'm 21 still holding in this secret. I'm not talking about petty ass puppy love feelings either. I got the "she's my one and only" type feelings.

Why have I been carrying around this secret for 5 years is beyond me. Every time I get ready to express myself she's involved with some nothing ass nigga or I psych myself out thinking she doesn't feel the same way. I know what y'all are thinking "man up and grow some balls", but shit it's hard.

We hopped in my custom red and black Chrysler 2014 limited edition whip. I got my name put in the headrest on the drivers seat. Of course, Joydan had to get hers in the passenger's seat headrest. She pouted for it, and when I aske her why she said, "I'll always be your ROD, duh". I couldn't argue with that.

We headed to the movies bumping DMX.

"So, I see you're rocking the J's on my behalf. How did your know I was wearing my retros today anyway?"

"Cause, Jordan, you texted me and told me to wear mines or you wasn't going to buy my popcorn and chocolate covered peanuts at the movies."

"Nuh uh," I lied.

"Oh you want to play like you have amnesia. I got the damn proof to prove it."

Message Board: Bestie Boo= Jordan ROD= Joydan

Bestie Boo: Wear your retro red and black J's tomorrow, ma.

ROD: I'll think about it!

Bestie Boo: You better do more than think about it or I ain't paying for your nasty ass popcorn and chocolate covered peanuts.

ROD: 😢

"Now, nigga deny that!" she yelled mugging me.

"Guh, you better watch it I'm driving."

"I'm sowwy Jordie Poo." she pouted kissing my cheek.


We arrived at the movies. As soon as Joydan let me pay for our tickets she pulled me to the concession stand.

"A large bucket of popcorn and 3 packs of chocolate covered peanuts please." she told the dude at the counter.

"Aight, ma." He finished the order and rung us up.

"Your total is $14, beautiful. Can I get your number?"

"I'll answer that for you bruh hell no." I slammed a $20 bill on the counter and we walked to the respective theatre. The movie was just starting when we sat down.


"That movie was bomb!" Joydan said as we were on our way to the car.

"Yeah. I seen your cry baby ass shed a few tears.

"So, the way Michael stood up for Candis was sweet. I wish I had someone to feel that way about me.

"Maybe that someone is closer than you think."

"Umhm. I'll believe that when I see it. Do you think we could go to the park for a while? I don't feel like being at home by myself."



We stayed at the park til' dark. At 8pm, we were saying goodnight to each other.

"Goodnight, Jordan. I had fun today," Joydan said kissing me on my cheek.

"Me too. Joydan I have something to tell you I- I- I was wondering if- if you could come take professional pictures with me tomorrow."


"Coo. Well goodnight, ma." she waved and went in the house.

Damn I can't believe I had her full attention and I chickened out. I drove myself home thinking about how much of a coward I was.


At 2am, my phone rang. It was an unknown number, but I decided to go against the norm and answer it.

"Hello." I said still groggy.

"Is this Jordan Pier," a ladies voice came through the phone.

"Yes, this is he."

"We need you to come to Greystone Hospital as soon as possible."

"Ok I'll be there in 15." I got up put on some sweats and a t-shirt and grabbed my keys and headed to the hospital.


I arrived at the hospital, parked,

jumped out, and ran inside.

"Hi, I'm Jordan Pier. I spoke with a lady on the phone telling me to get here ASAP." I said to the receptionist.

"Yes sir. That was me."

"What's the emergency?"

"Joydan Janell Johnson has passed away from a heart attack. We called you because in her call history you was the most recent name. The paramedics got a call to come to her home address. When they arrived they found her deceased on the floor in the doorway of a room that had cocaine everywhere."

"Can I at least say goodbye?" I asked barely holding myself together.

"Sure. She's in room 143 just down the hall."


I got to her room. When I saw her laying there lifeless, that's when it hit me that she was really gone.

I went over to where she laid. I touched her cheek: it was cold. Her once full pink lips looked shriveled and blue. I spoke to her...

"Hey, my ROD. It's me Jordan, the guy who loves you with all his heart but was just too damn afraid to say anything. I know you didn't pass because of a drug overdose. You saw firsthand what them drugs did to you're mother, and you promised God, yourself , and I that you would never go near that shit. I want nothing more but to hold you in my arms and tell you how I feel. You are my world, my rock, my all, my joy - no pun intended. I laughed. I don't know how I will go on without you, but I'll try. For now, rest up baby girl because when I see you again we're taking those pictures: no less than 100 frames. I smiled, shed my last tear, kissed her forehead and left.


Joydan is in the MEDIA.

Jordan is played by AUGUST ALSINA.



-SKYisthelimit oKAY ✌️❤️📚

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