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Alexander's prov

Ah. Just another day working at my little cozy restaurant. I look around and see people chatting to one another, I see that everyone is fine and happy.

I go towards table two and plastered my warm smile on. "Greetings, I am Alexander. I shall be your waiter on this evening." I say to the two women infront of me, by the table. One was in a yellow t-shirt with a daisy on it in the middle. The other had a peach hoody on. They where shooting glances at each other, untill the one in the hoody spoke up.

"Oh hi!" I see that her cheeks are faintly a shade of red.

"Hiii! I'm Margarita! This is Angelica!" says the one in the yellow t-shirt. I see that Angelica lightly punches her.

I could've told you that.

I shook the voice off.

Their names sound familiar..? Where have I heard of them before?

Want help there buddy?

"Are you ready to order your drinks for now?" I ask happily, ignoring the voice.

"Oh! We-" Angelica starts, but stops when her sister interrupts her.

"We're waiting for our other sister!"

I nod. "I'll come back later to check on the two of you then." I walk back into the kitchen to check up on everyone. I make sure to stand out of the way.

"Yo! Alex, what up? You here to rant about Jefferson?" I hear Herc, my head chef, say. I look over towards the ovens and see Herc preparing something.

"No, I'm just checking up." I said.

"So Alex, are you comming tonight?" he asks me. Comming? Comming where?

You're really THAT forgetful!?

Herc must have seen my confused look and said, "I wanted you to meet a two friends of mine..? We talked about this last week?"

Oh yeah! "Yeah, I'm comming after my shift." I said, smiling. "But right now, I need to check on my tables. Bye!" I say as I quickly walk out. I see that the girls are still waiting on someone. I go check on my other table. "How are you all doing?" I ask the one family.

"Great!" The one man says. "My husband says that he loves his key lime pie, and I have to say, it is good! You may bring the check Alexander!" he smiles warmly.

The Voices (Lams fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now