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V's prov.

Darkness, is all I see.

Death, is all I know.

I walk on the dark stone path. It's midnight. I thought that I saw a corpse near this one tree, but it was a pile of leaves.

I'm too on edge for this. Why am I here anyways?

I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw a person walk towards me. They looked like any other human, except, they were a walking shadow. A person, but a shadow, without it's own shadow. The path lights makes it's face seem like some dark void.

I couldn't move, yet it could. It came closer and closer towards me.

"Greetings," the shady shadow said, once it stood right infront of me.

"Who are you?" I said, sounding way more confident than I was.

"I'm a dream walker, special one. I came to talk to you. There is no need to be afraid, for this is only a dream. Nothing can hurt you here." Okay. I'm confused.

"Why are you here?" And why do I feel like I can trust you?

"You want your body back, don't you?"

I clenched my fists. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!"

"I already told you. But if you must know more, I am dead, and obviously, you're not." I could feel the shadow smirking.

Oh fuck you. "Fine. I'll bite. What do you want?" I crossed my arms.

The figure seems to look behind itself, before looking back at me. Or, well I guess that's what happend. It doesn't have a face and it looks the same from behind as it does from the front. "You have been there for my son, special one. I appreciate your help. You helped my boy, now I want to help you. Plus, I know you love my boy. You two are made for each other."

"Your...your boy?" I ask, a tad bit confused. "Who..?" Who does she think I love?

Suddenly, all the darkness in the figure fades. It, just became a beautiful woman...but only for a few seconds, after clutching her stomach, and changing back into the shadow again.

My eyes went whide. Even though I only saw her for a second, I knew who she was. "Miss Hamilton? Is that truly you!?" I asked, flabbergasted.

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