Fall of the Republic

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The day had finally come. Jar Jar Binks sat alone in his apartment overlooking the government buildings of Coruscant, the early evening light painting everything blood red. He rose and walked to the long bay window and gazed out over the busy city-scape. Far off on the horizon he noticed a great plume of smoke and fire. It was a pillar of destruction dominating the sky.
He realized it was the Jedi Temple. Or what was left of it at this point. He knew Order 66 had been issued but just two-no three hours ago now. But already thousands of Jedi have perished across the galaxy. He knew the moment the Order went out. He heard the battle between Sidious and Windu. Jar Jar had planted bugs all over the office that morning. Palpatine didn't notice because in his haste he overlooked small but important details.
He had listened in on the battle, knew Anakin was no more and was replaced with Darth Vader and then sent to the Temple to massacre. Jar Jar had no pity for the Jedi. The weak have no place in the shaping and making of Empires. But it was time to leave. Jar Jar had already packed his things and checked one last time to make sure no evidence of his true identity was left behind. But now it was time to leave. He exited the apartment and continued down the long corridor toward the landing docks. Many civilians busily wandered the halls trying to figure out what was going on at the Temple and the incident at the Chancellor's office.
He walked onto the platform into the chilly evening air onto his sleek Nubian Yacht he secretly equipped with all sorts of illegal weapons modifications. 'You're here master!' exclaimed C-6ZE his protocol droid. Without saying a word he sat in the pilot's seat and began lifting off. After they were safely in the city-planets orbit Jar Jar said ' plot a course for Korriban.' His fake innocent accent was now gone, replaced by his deeper more solemn voice.
     The Night's Queen came out of hyperspace to settle near the planet of Korriban, its red surface glowing in the infinite blackness of dead space. The dry abandoned planet nursed the Ancient Sith to full fruition before their fall. For the last few thousand years it served as their burial grounds and ceremonial meeting place. 'Take us down. Find the Valley of the Dark Lords.'
     The fiery red clouds swept past as the craft descended into the far almost forgotten past of the Sith. For as far as the eye could see there was nothing but red rocky mountains and fiery sand dominating the ancient ruins. No bodies of water were to be seem either. The ship came down on a dusty plateau overlooking the Sith Temple. The time had come to end the Rule of Two and restore the Sith to the throne of the galaxy.
     He started down the path toward the temple between crimson marble pillara and statues of fallen masters that lined the path. He came to the great stone doors that stood open, sand-dunes piled against the doors and walls. The doors were carved with runes of the Sith and statues of monsters long forgotten. He entered the temple atop the crumpling steps and found himself in the great hall of the temple. Arches supportsed the stone vaults in a long narrow corridor with other halls branching off. He continued down the great hall, long robes flowing behind him.
     He had been here but once before and remembered the way to the archives. He turned right at the walkways' end and walked to the arched entrance to the archives. The doors were not as he had left them; they were standing open. Either someone had came while he was absent. Or someone was still here.


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