• five •

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Song: Love is a Bitch - Two Feet

Skryen at night was downright the most beautiful place I'd ever seen.

The city wasn't too far away for a walk and eventually, I was able to see the houses I'd seen only once before. Like before, we turned a corner and the city unfurled before me.

The windows and doors of the houses were open. People spilled out onto the street from their houses and spoke animatedly to each other.

A man played saxophone in his front yard while a couple danced in the cobblestone street in front of him. All of the houses were close to each other, each with their own fenced in small yard. The houses weren't too small but tall almost three floors high each. We strode down the empty street together. Julian had his hands in his pockets while I only looked at everything around me, mesmerized. Mehnit stayed close to me no more than five paces away.

"This is just like what I imagine New Orleans is like."

I looked at Julian and found him nodding. "Yes. It's why when I went to the Human realm I knew where to find Naida back in the nineteen twenties."

In the distance, I could see the sprites dancing on the mountainside outside the city. The violets and blues faded then brightened as I watched the horizon. "This is amazing, Julian."

He nodded further down the street. "Come on, we haven't made it into the heart of the city yet."

I followed eagerly, my eyes lingering on the man playing the saxophone.

I caught up to Julian and placed a hand on his arm. "He's amazing. Is there a lot of music in Skryen?"

I watched his eyes wander to my hand which I quickly took back.

Julian nodded. "Yes. A lot of musicians move here to take apprenticeship from the masters. We can go see a live band if you like."

I found myself nodding. "Yes. All right." I settled my stride to match his as he casually strolled through the streets. It wasn't too busy and I was amazed at the small number of cars on the road. They were parked on the side of the street. They were old-fashioned and looked to be old classic models that I'd seen in movies that took place in the thirties and forties.

"Is this where you learned piano?"

Julian nodded. "Yes. When I was a boy, under Jericho's nose. Despite what my mother did, I played music for her while he was asleep to see if I could bring her out of her state."

I felt my heart constrict. I imagined Julian as a small boy at the piano with his comatose mother sitting nearby.

He shrugged. "I thought it worked for a while but it didn't."

I shook my head. "I'm so sorry, Julian."

He shrugged again. "It's in the past." His eyes brow shot up as he recognized a small entryway. "Here we are."

I looked at the nondescript building. Nothing about it particularly stood out. It was a taller building with a black closed door. It looked like an apartment door. Julian moved past me and gestured towards a black metal gate just out of view from the entrance. The gate squeaked as he opened it leading to cement stairs that led down to an alley.

He gestured to the stairs with his free hand. "After you."

Mehnit went down the stairs first and at the bottom sat down, waiting for me. Gnawing on my bottom lip, I made my way down the stairs. The gate closed quietly behind us and Julian met me at the bottom where we turned down a lit arched entryway leading to a brick wall.

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