• fifty-eight •

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//song: Animal (Epic Trailer Version) - J2, Keeley Bumford

I struggled in Asmo's grip as he dragged me through the empty halls of the Keep.

I punched his shoulders and large frame with my small fists.

I clawed at his hand with my nails to pry his fingers free.

My heart was beating wildly. My panic was rising. I dug my heels into the floor. He pulled me forward, making me trip over my own feet.

Asmo kept a firm hold on me. His fingers wrapped around my wrist so tightly I was afraid he'd stop the circulation to my hand.

He didn't waver as I continued to struggle. He didn't stop. He didn't hesitate.

He kept his pace constant as he dragged me through the halls of the Keep.

I'd begged Damien to see the Keep once. I wanted to see the magic that lived in the walls, the sprites he'd often speak of, the magical sunrises and sunsets that I would never see in the human world.

I was only human and desperate to see the magic of his world. I craved to see his world, to see more of his people.

I never imagined I would ever be taken to my death down those halls as the Underworld's disgraced fae queen.

We turned a corner towards a large hall and my heart plummeted.

I'd often walk through the same hall in the morning on my way to breakfast. It was one of the few rooms or halls that was cheerful in the Keep. The large windows faced east and the morning sun's rays would stream throughout the large room. How many times had Mehnit and I joyfully passed my own guards or workers wishing them a good morning? Their smiles were sincere -at least those who did smile back at us.

How many times had Damien done the same in that hall? Or Warren, Damien's father?

It was one of the few rooms in the Keep I enjoyed walking through. But now, as I looked around the hall, it was drastically different.

The warm atmosphere was gone, it was no longer welcoming. In its place was a darkness that I could feel even deep in my lungs as I breathed.

Men and women crowded the large hall. They dressed in makeshift leather, not the usual armor I would see Damien's guard in. Some held spears, others held staffs. They watched me in silent fascination, their lips twisted in a cruel smile. Their fingers twitched as they reached for small knives lined along their leather belts. But the most unsettling feature of all were their eyes.

Their eyes were shining yellow as they looked at me.

I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding. I licked my dry lips. "They're all-"

"Demons, yes." He looked down at me, his own eyes dark and empty. "Mal's doing. They willingly pledged themselves to her and she gave them this--" He shook his head. He sighed in disgust. "Opportunity."

Gods, he looked so defeated. Asmo, who had always kept his composure, who was always snarky and strong, proud...was no longer any of those things. He looked exhausted--like he hadn't slept in weeks. His once proud shoulders were slumped, his eyes sunken in with exhaustion.

He almost looked human.

He nudged me forward and knowing what I was walking through, who I was seeing in front of me, I held my head high.

The men and women parted in front of us, clearing a path for us that led to the large double doors at the end of the hall. Some of them scoffed as we passed them, others snickered.

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