Chapter Seven

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A/N: I just want to say a HUGE thank you to HarrehsLegs (So sorry I never learned your real name) for advising me on what path this story should take. This chapter would not be up right now if it wasn't for the fantastic advice she has given me. With that being said, I will gladly take any ideas you guys have into consideration. So just drop a comment or inbox me with your ideas! Thanks so much!

They had a camera set up in there, damn them. I'm really hoping the camera doesn't see me. I mean, I'm not trying to be seen right now, but I have no idea how all this fancy technology works.

I stayed in my windowsill for a while. I don't really care about time anymore, you know, since I'm dead and all.

When I did finally get up, everybody was out of my bathroom. I went into the kitchen to see Nick and Zak there, looking over something on one of the cameras.

Aaron must have been on Jimmie's side of the house still.

I decided to go back to my bathroom. I walked in and shut the door behind me. The door shut a lot louder than I meant it too, and the noise made me cringe. I heard Nick and Zak react to it, and I rushed into the shower.

"Dude, the door's shut!" One of them said.

"Really, Nick? I had no idea." Zak said sarcastically, and I laughed a little.

"Shut up." He said back. Someone opened the door then, and immediately a flash went off. I sat as still as possible, thinking it was a motion sensing camera. Then, another flash went off and I knew it wasn't a motion camera. I sighed and stayed still, hoping they would leave me alone.

They didn't.

Suddenly, there was a horrendous yell from Jimmie's side of the house. It even made me jump. Nick and Zak took off running, and I followed them. We went into a spare bedroom where Aaron was laying on his side, the camera abandoned on the floor.

"Aaron, what happened?" Zak said, running over to him.

"Dude, I don't know. I was putting the camera back on the tripod and I either got pushed or I lost my balance, cause now I'm on the ground and my knee fucking hurts man. I think I twisted it really bad, bro." He said, rolling over onto his back and grabbing at his knee.

"Let's get you to base bro." Zak said, helping Aaron up. Aaron was using Zak for support as they walked down the hallway together. Nick followed them, and I followed Nick. When we passed my bathroom, I split off from the group and sat in the shower.

*Zak's POV*

"We can't continue this investigation without Aaron." I said to the four guys sitting in front of me.

"What? Why?" Aaron said. We had propped his knee onto a chair and given him an icepack for his bruising knee.

"We can't investigate the house with just the two of us." I said, sighing and leaning back in the chair.

"Why not?" Aaron asked, being the stubborn asshole that he is.

"Because there are two sections to this investigation and we can't get them both covered unless we split up, and I don't really want to be alone in this house with either of those two spirits." I said, drained.

"What about Billy?"

"Billy needs to be down here with Jay to monitor the cameras. Jay can't do everything by himself, contrary to popular belief." I snapped at him. Aaron seemed to jump back at the harshness of my tone.

"Call the house owner and tell him we're going to reschedule the investigation." Nick said, and I grabbed my cell.

I dialed the owner and he picked up almost immediately, which kind of freaked me out.

"Yes, Zak?" He said.

"Um, yeah, hi. I'm calling to ask you to see if we can meet sometime to pick another date for this investigation?" I asked him. He scoffed.

"Is something wrong?"

"Yeah. One of my team members twisted his knee while investigating and we have to reschedule." I said, annoyed.

"Oh! Well, how about we meet tomorrow morning at 10 to discuss another day to investigate? Is that good?" He asked. I heard a pen scratching in the background.

"Yeah that's great. We're just gonna leave our equipment here so we can take Aaron to the ER. We'll get it in the morning." I said. Gesturing for Aaron to get up and start moving to the stairs.

"Yeah, that's totally understandable. I'll come let you guys out." He said, then hung up.

We all helped Aaron up the stairs, where the owner let us out then, locking the door again behind us.

We all climbed into one of our vans and drove to the nearest hospital. Aaron would not shut up about how he thinks Jimmie pushed him.

What doesn't makes sense to me is the fact that Jimmie has never pushed anybody before, so why Aaron?

We arrived at the hospital. Aaron was quickly taken away to get an X-ray, where they discovered no breaks or fractures. They determined it was just a sprain.

They also advised him to stay off of it for two weeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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