Chapter 3.

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(Brendon's p.o.v)

     ** 1 week later **

    It's been 1 week since I found this Kitty, and everything is just great. This cat just does not want to leave, and I'm totally cool with that. One time I opened the front door for it to

escape if he wanted too, but he just came over to me and sat on my foot instead. Every time I come home I'm greeted by a meow and purrs. It's nice, it'a almost like a human being.

 He responds to everything I do or say with a meow, or even head motions. It's kinda strange, but I don't let it bother me too much. It's actually pretty cool, like when I say come here,

 he does, or when I say cuddle with me, he does. He does everything I tell him to do, like a human would or even a dog in some matters. Sometimes he's really really really affectionate.

Like licks me for 20 minutes, head-butting my face, cuddling with me, or bitting my hands playfully. I mean, who would want to get rid over him? Seriously.

       My parents haven't noticed anything as much because he sleeps with me, under the covers. When I say 'Under the covers' he slips under them without hesitation. He's so obedient.

  Sometimes he comes to me when I'm on my way from work, I don't know how he knows when I come home, I guess that's a mystery. Ryan and I don't really do much when where home.

We eat together and listen to music. This cat is like my human friend.

      So today is Friday, finally. I'm just coming from school, to work. I put on my apron and go inside the little smoothie shop. I greet my fellow coworkers, "Hey Jon," I call.

"Hey Brendon, get to work." He chuckles. I nod my head and grin. I don't mind my job, it sorta involves music, and music is my life and passion. I'm saving up for a guitar, I want one

 so bad, but it's going to be awhile. I have a piano, only because it came with the house. That was the best part of the house when we got it.

   I go up to cash-register and start to take orders.

"Would you like to try our special today," I sang to the woman. She looked taken by surprise, "You have a very nice voice," She winked. I nod my head down and smile, "Thank you!"

I giggle and take out my notepad, "I would like a strawberry smoothie please," She says and takes out her wallet. I jot that down and take her money.

"Hey, I hate to ask, but have you seen a black little kitten around here? I lost him." She said sadly. I shuttered, no. "Um no sorry," I lied, "But what's your name?" I asked her casually.

"My name is Audrey, yours?" She responds and smiles, "Brendon," I told her. She grinned and grabbed her smoothie.

  Your probably thinking, 'Oooh Crushy Crush' but no she's not my type, or Gender. I laugh to myself and get working. I took about 20 other orders and finally finished with $40 in tips.

Apparently my singing is good? I don't know. I just know I sing stupid songs, I start to sing the PenutButter Jelly song and my Co-workers stare at me, annoyed.

"Your just jelly!" I sway my hips. I laughed and checked out.

       On my way home, no Fluffy was in sight. He usually walks home with me in the woods. I shrug it off and continue to walk. The air feels like posin from all the smog around here, I sigh.

  I open the door to my house and turn left. My fridge was open and some food was spilled on the floor, "Ryro?" I yell scaredly as I walked in the living room. I dropped all my shit and screamed.

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