Chapter 5

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Tyler:"He's over stepping a lot."

Trent:"Didn't you think that would happen, he flirts with everyone."

Tyler:"Yeah, but he is getting really sexual around her and I don't like it. She deserves better than that."

Trent:"Yeah, but you were okay with it at f-"

Tyler:"I just didn't want her to think I was-"

Trent:"You don't want her with anyone."

Tyler:"I don't want her to get hurt, and he would hurt her."

Trent:"You like her. I've known that forever."

Tyler:"I should go talk to her."

~CiCi's room~

CiCi:"Mark, you know I have no girl friends."

Mark:"You need some. You only have like 4 friends."

CiCi:"Hey, I don't like too many people."

Tyler:"Can we talk?"


I hug Mark and he leaves.

CiCi:"Nervous about tonight?"

Tyler:"Yeah, but I wanted to talk about something else."

CiCi:"Okay, what's up?"

Tyler:"Um, its just that I was thinking about-"

Pete:"We got to be at the arena."

Tyler:"Okay, we can talk after I win."

CiCi:"You sure? We can be slightly late."

Tyler:"No, it's not that important."


Pete grabs my waist and we all go to the car. He whispers to me.

Pete:"You look amazing, sweetheart."

CiCi: "Thanks, good luck tonight."

Pete: "Don't need it but thanks, sweetheart."

We get to the arena, and I go with Trent.

Trent: "It's crazy huh?"

CiCi: "Yeah, I'm nervous. Like really nervous. I know they'll do well, but will it go over? What if they get hurt? What if-"

Trent: "Everything goes amazing and they tear the house done. They got this, don't worry."

CiCi: "I'll try not to."

Trent: "What's up with you and Pete?"

CiCi: "What do you mean?"

Trent: "Don't try and avoid it or deny it. I can tell something is up with you two. You guys act weird around each other."

CiCi: "Technically, there is nothing. We're not doing anything, he's just really flirty, and maybe I feel something but it's not important."

Trent: "I've known Pete for years, and the way he talks about you is very different than how he talks about other women."

CiCi: "Well I don't know, he seems like he's being how he always is. I don't see anything different."

Trent: "So you like him?"

CiCi: "No, I don't like him."

Trent: "Has Tyler talked to you, yet?"

CiCi: "No, he was going to but then we left. What's going on?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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