Chapter 1

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Light blue hair
Green eyes
Soft British accent


I go and sit with Tyler Bate, Mark Andrews, and Trent Seven backstage to watch the rest of show.

Tyler:"Hey, I still can't believe your here."

CiCi:"I know right! Its crazy."

Mark:"Yeah, we've missed you."

CiCi:"I've missed you guys too."

Trent:"So, Pete is coming this way."

CiCi:"How have I never met him?"

Tyler:"He just seems like the type of guy that you wouldn't get along with."

CiCi:"Okay, kinds vague."

Pete:"So, this is CiCi that you guys haven't shut up about. Damn, you sure are gorgeous."


Pete:"I'd bet you'd look amazing without those clothes on."

I feel my cheek getting warm immediately and I look down. Wow, he's hot.


Tyler:"Back off a bit, Pete."

Pete:"Okay, I'm just saying-"

Tyler:"Just think it. You're making her uncomfortable."

CiCi:"It's okay."

Pete:"Already warming up to me, princess? We still hanging out today?"

Trent:"Yeah, where do you guys want to go."

CiCi:"We can just stay in and watch movies or something."

Tyler:"Sounds good, let's meet in CiCi's room at 8."


I sit all of the snacks on the table. I fix my hair up, and finish setting everything up. I hear a knock on door. Guess the boys are early.

I open the door and see Pete.

CiCi:"Hey, you're a bit early."

Pete:"Yeah, I know sweetheart. I just wanted to see you early."

CiCi:"Um, thanks?" He smirks and puts his hands on my waist.

Pete:"You know, I like them shy, nice and innocent."

CiCi:"Uh, I, do you want a snack?"

Pete:"I want to eat something, that's for sure."

I step back into the room, and sit down.

CiCi:"So, we have maybe 30 min-"

Pete:"You're really beautiful, I don't know if I said that already."

I laugh.


Pete:"Did Mark tell you he's not coming?"

CiCi:"Yeah. I, uh, like your jacket."

Pete:"Want it?" He starts taking his jacket off and I notice he's not wearing a shirt. Fuck, he has a nice body.

Trent opens the door.

CiCi:"Hey Trent! Hey Tyler."

Trent:"Where we interrupting?"


Pete:"Let's just watch the movies."

I sit in between Trent and Pete. After about 3 movies, everyone is asleep. I get up and grab a snack from the lobby. When I get back, Pete is awake, so I sit next to him.

Once I sit down, Trent leans over. Pete picks me up and sits me on the bed.

CiCi:"I could have walked."

Pete:"Maybe I just wanted to touch you."

I roll my eyes.


Tyler:"If you two are going to kiss, do it already."

CiCi:"Shut up!"

Tyler:"He likes you, you know that, any other girl he would have slept with by now."

Pete:"Shut up."

CiCi:"I'm going to bed."

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