Chapter 2

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" Hey wait up!"

I keep my pace, trying not to push myself to hard, taking another turn on the track. He increases his spread and starts jogging along side of me.

"Where you from?" I glance my gaze over to see the ginger slyly smirk and shake his head.

"Why must you ignore me, it pains me so much." Dramatically holding his hands over his heart.

"Why are you stalking me." I retort back emotionlessly.

"Just trying to get to know you." I look at him, slowing my pace. Though sarcastic at most times, he seems sincere.
"Com'n it's been a four days sense you've been here, and you don't seem to be trying to have any basic human interactions."

I snort in response. "What, are you analyzing my every move now?"

He grins, " Maybe."

"Okay fine. Why do you act all high and mighty? And stupid. Your clearly smarter than you let on."

"Trading places are we now?"

I stop in my tracks and give him a maliciously mocking smile. "Maybe." And I run off away from him, laughing. He follows me but he's still far behind me. Man, this guy won't give up.

"Running from people must not always be fun!"
He yells after me. I start giggling for the first time in along time. Is this guy actually making me happy? But than it hits me. Shit. My breath quickens and I gasp for air. This can not be happening. I claw at my throat, hyperventilating. My knees buckle and as I almost hit the ground I feel arms wrap around my waist, catching me. I go into a wheezing fit.

"Hey what's wrong?" Concern filling his usually confident voice.

"Asthma." I croak out. He quickly picks me off the ground, asking if I had an inhaler. I shake my head no. He cruses under his breath and starts running. Out of the field and down the halls. My body starts to shake with anxiety and my breath grows quicker.

"Hang in there spit fire, I gotcha." Sebastian says before I black out.

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