Chapter 4

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A/N: Decided to make this one a wee bit longer, enjoy~❤️

"Turn that down you idiot!" A voice half yells- Sebastian- at someone, the other guy groans in response, but I heard the tv volume turn to a dull roar.
"And why the Hell ya gotta be eating her jello?"

"Strawberry's my favorite." I hear a second voice say.

"Why do you have to be obsessed with this chick?" A third voice says.

"Hey, don't go after Bash, your the one watching my little ponies." A forth says.

"It's the morning program, I had no choice!!!" The third.

"Yeah sure..."

"You looking for a fight?"

"Why you piece of sh-"

"The Hell are you guys doing in my room...?"
I hear my own voice crack when I spoke. Great.  I see six guys look up in surprise at me. All scattered throughout my room. For bike helmets and six jackets flung all over my room.

"Look who's not dead!" Yells the second with surprise.

"Shut up Carlos!!!" They all say in one Union.

"Not that I mind you guys being here because it's truly a blessing," I lace my voice with as much sarcasm as I can, "But what are you all doing here, on a Friday morning?"

Bash looks at the guys and flicks his hand as if he's shooing a stray away. The boys get up, grab their gear and head out, waiting in the hall. One of them- Carlos?- pops his head back in.

"Hey I have your other jello cup?" I look at the food tray, grab it and toss it to him. He smiles devilishly and tilts his non existent hat. Once the door is shut, Sebastian looks at me a little bit before speaking.

"How ya feeling?"

I snicker at him but answer knowing he's genuinely curious, " Better than yesterday."
He nods. " Are my Dads coming...?"

Sympathetically shakes his head. " But they called and discharged you, so you can go home. They also said they'd be in touch."

"You talked to them?"

"Nope, the doctor, I'm just the messenger boy."

A silence grew before I spoke again.

"Can you hand me my phone, I gotta call a taxi."

"No can do."

"Why not."

"Because you already have a ride, plus a personal escort, no charge nessasary." He grins as he flicks around a set of car keys. He reaches down and picks up his jacket.

" We'll wait for you outside."

When he left I got changed and packed my few things, and met them in the hall.


"I call shotgun." When we got into the parking lot their was four bikes and a crappy old yellow Jeep. I slid into the passenger side of the car.

"Soooo you coming?" Carlos asked.

"Coming where?"

"Shut up Carlos she just got out..." Bash mumbles looking in the rear view mirror at his back seat passenger.

"Coming where?" I repeat again.

" I was gonna ask you-"

"There's a totally awesome party happening near the south tracks tomorrow night."

"Dude are you shitting me-"

"Sounds fun, I'm in."

Carlos howls in victory as we drive down the road.  Bash rolls his eyes.

"Hell yeah, I like her. She gives me jello cups and wants ta party."

"Whatever , let's just hope someone doesn't get shot this time." Chuckles the drive next to me. I glance at him, caught off guard. He try's to hide a wide grin.

"Hey screw off, the scars so cool, wanna see?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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