Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey, thanks for voting and reading!

I groaned in pain from the pounding headache. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I'm in a hospital room, laying in a bed. I take in my surrounding and see him sleeping in a chair next to my bed.
Glancing over at the table next to me I see it's
almost 9 o'clock.... I've been out for that long and he's stayed with me?
Than there was a light knock and a doctor entered.

" Hi Luna, I'm Dr. Samual, now we are going to have to keep you overnight for observation due to your blood pressure level. It's very high from the asthma attack followed by the anxiety. We want to make sure you'll be okay." I barely register a word he's saying, but I nod.

"We've also made connect with the base your fathers are stationed at." I moan, their going to be so worried. "If you need anything call one of the nurses." He smiled at me as he closed the door.

"Are you alright?"

I look over at him, he still is stumped over in the same position with his eyes closed. I notice his hair is way more messier than usual.
"For a guy who's supposed to not have a soul, you seem to care a lot."

Sebastian chuckled softly. " Thanks."


He sat up and looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "No?"

"No. I should be the one thanking you. You help me through.... it. No one has ever done that before. So thank you." He gave me a small smile.

"Your welcome. Now try and get some rest."

"Florida." I says drowsily.

"What?" He mumbles.

"You asked me where I'm from earlier. Florida."

"Okay spit fire." For a quote on quote bad boy he seemed to be a really good guy.

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