Once Upon A Time...

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Say what you like about Capitol kids; they love a good story.

The three girls cluster eagerly around their parents, clutching their little brother tenderly. To look at them, you wouldn't be able to tell that they're all from the same family. The eldest is sixteen, with long blonde hair that falls down her back, perfectly straight. She sits perfectly straight too, and impeccably still. Her eyes are deep, calm brown and gaze lovingly up at her mother. All the other girls her age are getting dressed up to go out for the evenings, but not her. She owes it to her sisters to be a good example.

The middle girl is the total opposite to her tall and willowy older sister. Short and plump, she's the livewire of the family. If something goes wrong, it's always Tulip behind it, somehow. Her brilliant blue eyes never stay still and her hair bursts out from around her head in huge dark curls, practically defying gravity. Her mouth almost takes over her entire face. She cradles the baby's head, cooing nonsense words to him.

The last girl, eight years of age, is an odd mix between the two. She has Tulip's bouncy build and insane hair, but Sunshine's steady eyes and calm demeanor. Her expression is so grave and serious that it often makes her parents laugh. She sits, squashed between the pair of them like the middle of a spectrum, the baby's body sprawled across her lap, one arm curled around him protectively.

The two parents survey their lovely children proudly.

"Go on!" urges Tulip eagerly, her hair bobbing around her shoulders, "Tell us!"

"There's another story we have to tell you first," soothes the mother. Her partner puts an arm around her and she leans into his chest with a sigh. They still love each other, after all this time. A fairytale which nearly didn't happen.

"Your mother and I nearly didn't meet at all," explains the father, stroking his wife's hair. He's not sure if he loves this story or loathes it, but the children have to be told. They decided; they wouldn't let them grow up not knowing the way things really were.

They know they are the children of a Victor of the Hunger Games. They know what that means; like good Capitol children they watch the Games every year. But they've never seen the one that is the most important to them. Now Sunshine is sixteen, they know they won't be able to stop them seeing it, seeing one of their parents in the arena and everything that goes with it. So they have to be told, especially now the baby is here. They have to hear it from the horse's mouth first. They've agreed that together - the tribute and the Capitol audience - they can piece together the whole story, more than it will say on the film. They can tell them about the other tributes, the twenty-three who didn't make it. They can keep their memories alive.

Tulip shuffles to make herself comfortable; she'll do it again in another five minutes or so. Sunshine hasn't even twitched, but she's obviously paying close attention. Olive looks from one sister to the other, then to the baby.

They're ready.

Their parents look at each other, taking strength. They can do this.

"Once upon a time..."

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