Chapter one

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I was startled awake with the sound of my alarm. I rolled over to turn it off and and grab my phone. It was 6 o'clock in the morning and I had 45 minuets to get out the door. I had just recently taken an intern position at Irwin Industries, so I really did not want to be late on my first day. I hopped out of my bed and walked in to my bathroom to brush my teeth and my hair. I had taken a shower the night before just Incase I over slept, but I'm so anxious that I don't think that was possible.

I walked back into my room to decide what to wear. I wasn't really the type to pick out an outfit the night before because god forbid I actually had some type of organization in my life. After ten minutes of just starring at my closet and trying to piece together an outfit in my head, I finally decide on a long sleeved dress that was white on the top and black on the bottom, with a black belt and black heels. I set it out on my bed before going back into my bathroom and getting my curling wand out along with the makeup I would be using for the day. I check them time and it was now 6:25. I started feeling a little more anxious the before but I shook it off and went to grab some cereal. After I had eaten something I felt a little better. I walked back into my bathroom and put waves on my long brown hair and did simple makeup.

Checking the time I now had 12 minuets to get out the door. Wasting 6 of them just sitting on my bed processing how I wanted today to go. I want Mr.Irwin to like me and I wanted my co-working to like me but I knew that all that didn't matter the work I do matters, I have to show Mr.Irwin that I'm a confident young woman, with amazing work ethic just like my father. I have to show him that I am capable of doing any task he gives me. I can't and won't let my anxiety get the best of me. I stand up off my bed feeling more confident than before and I put my dress on and my heels, I walk into my living room and grab my purse. Checking to see if everything is there, and it looks like there is. Walked up the the morning hanging the wall next to my front door.
"I can Fucking do this" I spoke to my self. And with that I walk out of my apartment to my car, Checking to see how much time I have left, 30 minuets to get there and with all the New York City traffic I should make it theoretically.

There was thankfully not a lot of traffic and I was able to make it with 8 minuets to spare. When I walked into the building I remembered I had to go to the 50th floor. So I made my way to the elevator and pressed the number 50. To my unfortunate Luck another man came into the elevator, also going to the 50th floor.

He smiled to me as he got on and I smiled back. This was a good start, I just hope he doesn't try to talk to me.

"I assume you're the new Intern Mr. Irwin hired?" He asked

"I am, My name is Lily and you are..." I gave my hand out for him to shake.

"James Rossy, I'm head of the CFO department, I work closely with Mr.Irwin"

"Ahhh, so I suppose I will be seeing more of soon" I chuckled

"Yeah definitely, also don't let his temper get to you he's actually I really lovely guy."

"I think I can handle it, my dad has quite the temper too when a deal doesn't go his way." I responded.

"Oh, does you dad work in the city? Why not work for him?" He furrowed he eyebrows.

"I would but him being him won't let me, so I found an opening somewhere and I'm putting my business degree to good use" I smile proudly

" ahh, I see well good luck to you." He smiled at me. " whose is your father? If you don't mind me asking."

Before I could answer his question the elevator dung and opened its doors to a man who was many screaming at all of his employees.

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