Book 2 Chapter VII: The Wives of Emperor Tinuviel

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I get along well enough with mice, and I've always been found of birds, but when you put the two together I'd just as soon avoid them. -- Lloyd Alexander, The Castle of Llyr

Death spoke first. "Well. This is awkward."

That was an understatement if ever Kilan had heard one. Qihadal still stood by the still-open door, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. Kilan still sat frozen on the side of the bed. The only person who seemed remotely at ease in the situation was Death.

Of course she's all right, he thought bitterly. She won't have to deal with the scandal that will follow.

"Kilan, would you mind making yourself scarce for half an hour or so?" Death continued. "I'd like to explain this to your Empress, and you'll just be in the way."

Well, of all the-- Kilan could hardly believe his ears. Since when did Death give him orders in his own castle?

Then he looked at Qihadal, and he had to concede that she might have a point. The Princess was more likely to listen to another woman, and one who would understand her language at that.


There were no words to describe the emotions swirling in Qihadal's chest during these moments. Her first emotion was shock, shock at finding her new husband sharing a bed with another woman the day after their wedding. It was swiftly followed by anger. They had both known this was no love marriage -- in fact, it was barely a marriage at all -- but to be so utterly ignored in favour of a complete stranger would grate on any woman to say the least. Then there were more emotions -- confusion, humiliation, hurt, and a myriad others.

She hardly noticed Emperor Tinuviel leave. It took the other woman speaking to her -- in Malishese! -- to jolt her back to reality.

"Won't you sit down?" the woman said, in a tone that implied it was nothing so polite as a suggestion.

Qihadal remained standing. "Who are you?"

The woman sighed. "I have many names, in more languages than you have ever heard of. But you know me as Khordu[1]."

The blood drained from Qihadal's face. Now that she had the time to see the other woman clearly, she recognised her as the mysterious woman who had attended the wedding. She no longer had wings, but it was undeniably her. From there it was a short step to remembering the black-clad figures visible in the mirror. Under other circumstances the woman's claim would have sounded like the ravings of a disordered mind, but now it seemed eerily plausible.

She had seen the look her husband had given the woman at the wedding. She had also seen those spectral things in the mirror. It was only too easy to put two and two together. Those figures were Khordu's servants, and they were everywhere. And Emperor Tinuviel welcomed them and their queen, because he was in love with her.

Oh gods. Her husband was in love with death itself. Did the Carann Empire know?

Qihadal forced herself to look Khordu in the face. "What do you want?"

"At present? Nothing. I merely visited to have a chat with my husband."


Qihadal's thoughts showed plainly on her face; she had never been adept at hiding her feelings. Khordu laughed.

"Oh, you may well look surprised, but it's true. Kilan Tinuviel is my husband. Well, one of them. It's a long story, and technically we're only married in my world, not this one."

The Princess tried to follow this. She gave up in despair.

"As I was saying," Khordu continued, "I spend a great deal of time visiting Tinuviel. You can expect to see me at any hour of the day or night. But if you think you can blackmail Tinuviel with your knowledge of my existence, don't. I am invisible to everyone except him -- and you, for some reason. You will only make yourself appear to be delusional."

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