Chapter 18

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When we got to the movies we watched Jurassic World. When it ended we went back home Alissa and Suga went to Sugas room. Jimin and I went to mine.

"Hey babe how come you having gone to dance" Jimin said playing with my hair.

"I don't know but I feel like dancing but a dance for you"I said with a smirk.

"What do you mean a dance for me"

"I have this one dance. It has sexy parts you wanna see it"

"Sure baby"

"Let me change first and then we can go"

I then changed and then we left.

When we got to the building we went straight to the gym.

"Are you ready to see the dance chim chim" I said walking to the speakers. "Since when do you call me that" he said sitting down". "Since today"

I then started playing the music.

When I finished I walked towards Jimin and sat on his lap. He started kissing my neck. I graved him by the hand and took him to the girls locker room. It has a couch on it. I layd down on the couch and he got on top of me.
You guys know what happens next.

After we changed back to our clothes  we both were hungry.

"What should we get princess". "I don't know but what I know is that I can't walk you fucked me hard again". "That's good thats how I fuck the girls".

"Be quiet and help me up" he carried me bride style to the car. We decided to get Chipotle. When we got there we got our food and sat down close to the window. While we were eating I felt like someone was watching me I looked at my left and there was a guy looking at me.

I just ignored it. When we were about to leave I needed to go pee.

"Babe I'm going to the restroom" he said okay. I went to the restroom When I was drying my hands someone hugged me from behind. I turned around and it was that guy.

"Hey cutie" the guy said pulling me close to him were our faces were inches away from each other. "W-who A-are you"I asked shaking. "Someone" he said back. He then kissed me. I tried pulling away but he is to strong. I then started crying.

He went down to my neck. "Please let me go or I'll-" I didint get to finish cause someone opened the door and it was Jimin. 

"Let my girl go you bastard" Jimin said pushing the guy. "Fine I just wanted to see how Tessa Brooks lips taste. They taste really good" the Jimin punched the guy. The guy punched Jimin back. They started fighting. Then the guy got on top of jimin. I pushed the guy of  Jimin and then the guy left.

"babe are you okay you are bleeding we need to take you to the hospital". I said helping him up. "I don't need a hospital. But are you okay did that guy touch you alot" he asked. Just by thinking of it I started crying.

Jimin hugged me and then we left. When we got home my dad was there.

"dad what are you doing here when did you got back from LA?" I asked. "I got here this morning but I was on a hotel. I came to tell the four of you guys that you guys are getting married this weekend on Saturday". He said.

"yay I'm exited" I scream. Then Alissa and Yoongi came down. "wow why exited" Yoongi asked. "We are all getting married this weekend".

Then Alissa screamed of happiness and I joined her. The three men covered their ears.

"I'll be leaving now tommorow the four of you guys will go buy your outfits" my dad said and then he left.

We all said okay and we went to our rooms.

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